MonteCristo's thoughts on why 2-2-2 is good for the game

All of those sound like your personal problems, not mine

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Just because it doesnā€™t affect you, does not mean it does not affect people around you. Uwu

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I never said it didnā€™t affect me, I just donā€™t care that it happens as much as you do. In this thread, I have already made my argument against 222, Iā€™m not rehashing it just because you replied to me.

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2-2-2 would get boring to watch same as GOATs. Realistically weā€™d see one set comp be better in a 2-2-2 then any other 2-2-2 composition, thus the enemy team would need to be mirrored because itā€™s the best 2-2-2 comp to run. Iā€™d want to see one composition like goats be countered by 4dps 1 tank which gets countered by double sniper and itā€™s this game of Rock Paper Scissors not scissors vs scissors and the sharper pair wins.


No matter what you do, metas will exist, nothing the dev team does will stop one from existing.


But Iā€™m saying there should be Rock Paper Scissors in team compositions thatā€™s what should be aimed for in a game. Not a static meta consisting of 6 to 8 characters in a game of 30+ heroes.

I think it will be easier to balance for a rock, papper, scissor interaction if teamā€™s arenā€™t able to stack up on any given role.

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Thatā€™s fine, but that is not realistically possible. Meta will always exist with small variations, forcing 222 wont help that at all.

We dont have enough heroes in OW for there to be any more that 6-8 heroes that are in meta

They could add primary and secondary role for the queue, also FILL option as
well. This will help a lot with the queue times.
Just like LoL, it worked out nicely for them.

2/2/2 sounds more healthy than what we have now thatā€™s for sure. Nothing is perfect but itā€™s not fun seeing 3-3 comps in a game that has double DPS hero count than supports/tanks and seeing 0 DPS being played in 90% of the times.
Metas will exist but there will be more options to counter and play around them.

If it comes down to it, maybe make a classic ranked DRAFT system and limit 1 hero per game, not per teamā€¦ but of course OW needs a much bigger roster than what it has now. We need the champion releases to be faster - 2 months apart not 4.

2/2/2 is the right direction to go thereā€™s no denying it. There will be a lot of balance changes that sound healthy for the game. Brig will surely get somehow reworked. There wonā€™t be fear of supports dominating the game since there can only be 2, etcā€¦


Tjek tweetet fra @KarQGames:

This is exactly how many people feel about the game, it could be awesome but it isnā€™t because we canā€™t rely on people comprimising for the team, or simply getting people who can play the necessary things

Yes, all these attempts to argue for some kind of ā€œcompromiseā€ are just not happening, as most of the problems remain with them, and its needlessly complex. They just really reflect a hopefulness that their favorite characters/play-styles remain in the game. Itā€™s not happening, itā€™s going to be 2/2/2 in Comp/OWL. Goodbye GOATs, goodbye Shimadamakerā€¦ and Sniperwatch.

I would have preferred per match character bans, as I think they would have forced even more creativity and flex out of players, and ultimately made a better game.

I think lock 2-2-2 can work. If it means having an easier time balancing the game, then Iā€™ll be alright with it

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Wait, you could still swap heroes within the role boundaries. If you see a Pharah you could just swap to a hitscan and done.

Of course it wouldnā€™t solve DPS picking Junkrat and refusing to switch and not do anything but then, you couldnā€™t do too much about DPS picking Ashe and not even be able to shoot her own dynamite.


222 isnā€™t going to stop Sniperwatch lol

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Partly yes, not entirely.

Partly? You can still run double sniper with Ana. Likeā€¦ no more triple DPS with Ashe, I guess, we just go back to the old days until they add a sniper tank.


How do you think 222 will stop 2 DPS from existing? That was a 222 comp and didnā€™t stop them before