MonteCristo's thoughts on why 2-2-2 is good for the game

I think he did a really good job at arguing for 2-2-2 and even making it a thing for pro play. Before watching this, I thought full teams should be able to play whatever team comp they want but locking 2-2-2 might actually make the meta more diverse and also make balancing heroes easier because they can have more defined roles.

He also talks about how a lot of the frustration in OW comes from not being able to play what you actually want and how something like this can improve the overall enjoyment of the game.

And many more great arguments.

Q all the “who’s montecristo and why should I care” replies

Side note
participating in this discussion makes a lot more sense if you have actually watched it first


oaky i am going ot be that guy but…who?..i have heard his name multiple names and sometimes in conjunction with owl…is he a caster or some streamer?


Caster for OWL, used to do League before getting into OW. He’s respected in the esports scene

oh okay…interesting, so is he like very interested in stats and stuff?

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Then why don’t you just say who he is in the post?


yes please, for those of us who…arent in the know

People who don’t care about the esports scene probably won’t care either, his arguments are really the important things

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i mean…still, if i would bring up an argument involving Bill Gates…I would explain quickly who Bill Gates is


But… TobiaAlec seems to care and didn’t know him. No need to gatekeep


You should still give background info if you want to persuad folks

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I put it in there because threads like this usually get derailed about the person and here we are lmao. Can’t win, damned if you do, damned if you don’t


sorry…but…it is kinda important

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You could’ve just put who he is and we wouldn’t be here lol. Like you even took the time to write out people wondering who he is.


Alright guys, OP answered the question. Let’s get on with the topic eh?

Personally I’d like to see 2-2-2 played more often, but honestly I don’t think it should be mandatory.


Bookmarking, will watch this later because its self evident that we need 2-2-2.


yes…so about 2/2/2…i mean it cant hurt…that much

Is it? I don’t think arguments need to come from a certain someone for them to be taken seriously, if the arguments make sense they are good arguments. The point is really to get people to watch it and think about it/discuss it

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I’d like to see it encouraged, but not required.

Can’t say I’m smart enough to know how to make that happen though.

I definitely agree that GOATS gets super super stale after a few weeks(rounds… minutes…) and something needs to change.

But you still might not get to play what you want in a 2-2-2 (or rather, play for the effect of the team).

You can sign up as dps and get the role you want, but if you want to play Junkrat and it’s a wide open map (as far as those go) or if your opponents pick Pharah, you’re still playing to the detriment of your team.


You can play the role you want, no one can take that away. I don’t think it’s specifically meant to make people play 1 specific hero all the time even though this definitely makes it more likely.

It helps people focus on a role rather than having to be able to flex to everything if they really want to be a ladder hero