Moira's Fade Bug

Hi there. Now, let me first talk about my experience with Moira. I’m a 400+ hr Moira Main, whose played mostly quick play and is starting to get their hands on competitive. I enjoy her very much and I think she’s a fun hero to play. But, there’s one thing that has really frustrated me these past few days. Now, I knew about this bug many months ago. But, at that time, I wasn’t sure whether or not it was a bug. I thought to myself maybe I just escaped out of my fade, that’s why I’m taking damage. Or maybe, I forgot to press my shift. Or maybe, even I’m lagging. But, no. This wasn’t the case. As I continued to play her, I noticed this was an obvious bug. I actually had experienced multiple encounters with this bug and her fade sometimes doesn’t work properly. She can get damaged from anything to a genji blade from a reaper death blossom during her fade. I’ve even tried to escape from Rein. shatters with my fade, and I pressed my shift in time, it showed me the animation of Moira’s fade, but I still got hammered down anyways. Uhh. Last time, I checked it clearly says in her hero info that it’s supposed to make you invulernable. If she doesn’t get harmed from a bomb, can escape gravitons, then why does she get harmed from other things in the game? That is why I came to my conclusion, and I 100% believe Moira’s fade needs to be looked at and fixed. This isn’t fair to people who are playing Moira who don’t know about this bug. Like I said, there are multiple encounters when fade works properly, but in some encounters, it does not. She should not be harmed/take dmg, etc. while in her fade. Period. Please Blizzard. There is a problem with her fade. I do hope you fix it. I will provide video footage at the bottom of this post, and record future footage if this bug occurs again. Thank you.

Moira Fade Bug 1 - Lucio Boop

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Sounds like a matter of favor the shooter.

On the damage dealer’s screen you haven’t faded yet.
On your screen you have.

The system has to pick which of the two to honor, and by default, it honors the shooter.

favor the shooter is probably right.

If you slow down the clip to 0.25 in the killcam it shows that his boop goes off before your fade, which makes you and your health bar disappear, fully goes off.

I thought there were exceptions to the favor the shooter ruling, but I don’t remember what type of ability has it anymore.

I will be looking into this “favor of the shooter” possibility, but I’ve had many cases that wasn’t favor of the shooter. Taking dmg through the fade should not happen, and it has occurred on multiple accounts.