Moira skill-related changes are planned (info from Jeff) (i know how do it good)

Moira skill-related changes are planned
Judging by past experience, there are suspicions that the next nerf (and not rebalance as in my case)

If you suddenly once again gathered to increase the need for skill on moira (in other words, stupidly nerf), I have a better idea.

increase the maximum damage (for example, to 60-70), but at the same time make a reduction in damage depending on how far the sight is from the target that we are attacking. If next to it - then, for example, 40, then a gradual decrease to 10 (for example, when the target is not even on the screen, lol). The figures are approximate, but you get the point.

also the area of ​​damage of the ball should decrease depending on its size (ideally, reduce the maximum initial area still too)

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As they just took this skill compotlnent away from sigma, I do not think this is a route that blizzard will take

literally why would you need to reduce something that’s already 50/s in the first place


dont understand sigma problem? They only destroyed combo with rock + 2 shoots now need melee too


I’ve been in every rank except top 500, and from experience I know what all ranks of play look like. Moira would become a healbot in lower ranks, be too strong from gold-diamond, and be useless in higher ranks.

Damage numbers should be consistent.

I just set an example of how to improve it for all ranks. and not like last time they simply lowered their self-medication. Let them pick the numbers. but at the moment at the low ranks it’s strong and easy, and already from the middle ones it’s weak

Dont need this nerf but low ranks really wanna this (MOIRA NO AIM KILL ALL) + high rank damage bad.

Why need -10 self heal from attack?:slight_smile: be ready next moira nerf

That’s exactly what I want.

If anyone doesn’t understand why this post was created, moira skill-related changes are planned.

Judging by past experience, there are suspicions that the next nerf (and not rebalance as in my case)