Moira should do more damage!

We all know how hard aiming with Moira is, so I think to compensate and reward players for good aim she should have a damage increase maybe even do crit damage.


should ve like sym, the longer you dmg someone the higher the dmg should be.
'Id even throw in the perk sym has to increase its range the morr dmg it does.

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Tbh I think Moira would be fine if she received +25 HP. Maybe orb capacity buffs too

on my wishlist is also sonar damage orb, but…

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The Genji salt silos would likely overflow and spill into town :stuck_out_tongue:


I believe Moira’s damage should scale depending on how close the target is to her crosshair, so being on-target actually matters. That being said, I had a bunch of easy Moira kills last night when she kept burning her fade diving my Ana. :smiley:

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Are you talking about allowing her ult beam to do more damage and crit or every offensive attack? If it’s the ult beam that can hit targets on the other side of the Pacific ocean from here then that might fall under broken.

Yes :star_struck:

How can Moira do crit damage when her beam only locks on the target’s main body? Need head shots for that.

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It wouldn’t just be Genji. All dps players would be screaming bloody murder.

They got it to crit in that one joke patch. Idk how but it was fun hehe.


I’m guessing it was a DEV “rounding error” lol.

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Assuming this is satire…

…but Moira’s real main damage option is her damage orb. Her right-click serves primarily to recharge her healing gauge.

If you buff it any further the flanking Moira’s will only become even more of an issue. Buffing Moira’s right click is unecessary.

Force moira to precision tracking? No way!