Moira Rework Idea! (No BS, Moira mains please give me feedback)

What i would recommend is:

1- Go to the custom game settings and set moiras resource meter to the maximum possible (it wont matter anymore, we will be making our own!)

2- Using workshop rules, Make your own variable, lets call it A, and set it to 100 (100%, ill be working this with percentages for simplicity) by default Variable A would:

  • Drain when moira is using m1 (Ongoing each player | Is firing primary = True | Modify player variable A Subtract [NUMBER] / Wait 1 Abort if condition is false / Loop This way, Variable A is beeing reduced by [NUMBER] Per 1 second of firing m1

  • Recharge when moira is dealing damage ( Player dealt damage | Is firing primary | Modify player variable A add [NUMBER] / wait 1 abort if false / Loop This way variable A is beeing increased by [NUMBER] per every second of dealing dmage

  • Increase passively (ongoing each player | Player variable A of event player < 100 | Modify player variable A, add [NUMBER] | Wait 1 | Loop This way the resource is beeing increased by 1 every second as long as its not more than 100 already

  • When A < 0, disable primary fire (so she cant keep firing while on negative numbers, and it actually has impact)

  • When A > 0, Allow primary fire (So she can fire again)

3: Then with some maths you can reference your Variable A in your % damage calculation increase

4: Create a hud text that displays variable A to the moira player

Just some pointers i quickly came up with, i dont think i missed anything? this is just theorycrafting RN, id need to test it, so consider it a starter guide

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You are insane man. Thank you so much.

Is there anyway to link damage orb with movement reduction? Or will I have to physically create a round ball with movement speed reduction stuff?

when you take damage from it, reduce movement speed of the player that took damage,

you´ll have to find a way to recognize it, and difference it from other sources

Interesting. Alright.

(Major edit btw: Completely changed the consequence of Decay Orb when resource meter is at 0)

How about lets not, Baptiste has way more utility in his kit and can do headshots and higher damage which gets more kills, and he does 62.5 per second (he shoots 1.2 grenades per second)

No, that just encourages DPS Moira

50 DPS is fine. There is no need for it to be a garbage version of Zarya

So far all of these “rework ideas” have been nerfs

the current recharge is fine, she uses biotic grasp to recharge her meter

I like the current name, lets not change it.

It’s maximum damage is 50 per second (if it hits 6 people it does 33.3 damage) and can only do a maximum of 200.

Might as well delete the ability from the game


Are any of these “rework ideas” not going to include huge nerfs?


There is no buffs here, and this just makes Moira worse than she already is, she would estentially go back to being the lowest picked healer in the game at high ranks. This is just another DPS wanting hard, unjustified nerfs to Moira.

This is my feedback, you wanted “moira mains” feedback and I have played her in every single rank apart from bronze.

This is not a rework, this is just nerf after nerf.

Btw these are the only changes I would make to rework Moira

Biotic Orb

  • Duration reduced from 10 to 4 seconds.
  • Allies or enemies at range will be constantly under Biotic Orb effects.
  • Orb no longer runs out of juice.
  • New: Enemies hit by damage orb are slowed down by 20%.
  • New: Allies hit by healing orb are speed up by 20%
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You can probably optimize it by using a mix of chase variable and stop chasing

But like i said i just wrote that in 5min from the top of my head

Could have missed some stuff too

Please leave Moira alone. She’s fine.

Why the heck would she need a rework? To appease all the people who harrass Moira players??

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Ignored my list, claimed to be diamond moira main but is doomfist main just wants huge nerfs.


Thank you for the feedback.

I feel like you were a little confused by my changes, so let me clarify.

I meant that enemy movement speed is decreased, not you.

Also, your feedback helped me think that I nerfed her too much overall rather than buffing her. So thank you for that. I decided to slightly buff her entire kit overall.

Also, I’m not in anyway trying to harass Moira players or hate Moira players. In fact, during Role Queue Beta, Moira helped me by a lot in order to reach Diamond, so she does have a special place in my heart. Although it’s true I don’t play her anymore in comp.

She’s just not as interesting imo, so I’m merely just stating my opinions and ideas on making her kit more unique.

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Then you should’ve said “their movement speed” instead of “her movement speed”

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People in this community are so unbelievable sometimes

I remember someone suggesting a while ago that Moira’s bio grasp should apply a small% anti-heal to enemies. Now that was a decent idea.

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It’s true. I’m feeling very encouraged right now.


I’d rather just do something like this

Instead of heal/damage orb give her an ability to trap enemies in an orb for 2-3 seconds or an ability to give the fade effect to allies for 2-3 seconds and reduce her healing while decreasing the speed her resources are consumed. Utility>>>healing.

How is her kit not unique?

How many people in the game have a damage/healing orb you can throw around

How many people in the game have a biotic grasp that replenishes her healing resource

How many supports in the game have healing ammo that cannot be reloaded by pressing R.

How many heroes in the game have a kamehameha ultimate

How many heroes can turn into a pile of cells and go go completely invisible (well I guess reaper kinda can but it’s not the same)


That honestly sounds horrifying as she can just swipe towards the enemy team to apply it to everyone but I guess the drawback would be that she isn’t focusing down targets if she chose to use it like her healing to swipe over her team.

But rip the person that is 1v1ing her or even 2v1 where they have healing pocket but Moira has antiheal on due to grasping.

I mean,people tend to say how the game needs more anti-healing abilities so why not give Moira’s alt fire one?

But it wouldn’t be a 100% one like Bionade. I’m thinking like 5-10% instead. And it could be applied to the one target Moira has her grasp on (literally). It wouldn’t be much but it would give Moira some utility.

As “compensation”,her primary heal could go down to 60HPS.

Ah, okay. I assumed it was more like a linger effect but that would work. Rip to the person that is grasp target tho.

That actually sounds really good.

I’ll do it better:

Increase the lingering effect duration the longer the target has been healed. Maximum is x2 duration if target has been sprayed for more than 4 seconds.

Hitbox reduced to 75% its original size. Has Bastion’s reverse-bloom where upon damaging a target it will increase in size until it hits live build size. Slowly reverts to starting size after 1 second of not damaging an enemy.

Orb (Damage)
Reduced active time and bounces. Now disappears after 5 seconds in flight or after 3 bounces.

Cost increased by 10%

These are more sensible for both Mains and haters