Moira nerfs vs Ana buffs

i have never said that she is easy i said that a removal of her magazine would make her too easy and my stats are mostly this low because sucked at her for the first 20-30 hours

God, me too! Average stats are only good sometimes.

My average hook accuracy with hog rests at 46% currently, but I have had multiple games where it’s like 76% and 30 enemies hooked, and other games where it’s 40% accuracy with like 12 hooked but those hooks I did make were hella impactful.

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Damn, you must be top 500 with how easy she seems to be, right?

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Jehong’s coach confirmed.

it’s hard to say because honestly, I’ve spent a lot of time playing Ana and while yes at the beginning she felt awfully underpowered, with time I’ve realized she’s incredibly well balanced… you don’t get gold medals often or potg but I feel like ana’s impact on a game is so… surgical, that big numbers don’t really matter all that much, for example you might not get golden healing but for the small time frame that reinhardt was at 50 hp and you kept him alive, you were the best healer there ever was

Yes she has a hard time playing against a lot of heroes but all you need is one sleep dart to hit for balance to lean in your favor, of course sleep dart isn’t easy to hit but that’s the gist of it, when you sleep that dashing Tracer or that succing Moira… the feeling is unmatched and the value is incredibly high too

There’s also Biotic grenade, I never knew how oppressive this skill was because when I started using Ana no one else did but now that she’s showing up a bit more I experienced what it was to be affected by that grenade and man, healing debuff is SO powerful, you can completely neutralize enemy supports (and roadhog) with it and that is something no other healer can do

Moira is the exact opposite to Ana, she does damage because she has no utility and she gets a ton of medals but everything about her is random chance, the ball bouncing the wrong way or your beam hitting a target or your spray hitting at the edge of its range… Moira can be unreliable at times and super reliable on another and I feel like this is what constitutes her balanced state, if she were to be nerfed I’d only advocate for a fade cooldown

For Ana her reliability rests on the personal skill of the user but once you acquire it… man is she strong, still counterable but incredibly strong… if she were to get a buff I’d advocate for vertical mobility (which would in turn increase her skill ceiling even more) and darts going through full health allies, nothing else, number wise she’s fine, nanoboost is fine, scope is fine, nade is fine, sleep dart is fine

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Moira and Ana are very different heroes. Ana is a long range healer with killer utility but I’d vulnerable. Moira has mega heals and can survive on her own, but has zero utility and a very short range for healing.

Ana is seeing play again in high level play, more than Moira and maybe even Mercy. Even when Pharah is there people are often still opting for Lucio/Zen outside of capture defense.

Moira is limited in who she can effectively heal, has no utility, and has to be in the thick of things. I’d be fine with some small nerfs to make her less annoying (ult charge nerf, less leech healing, or orbs despawn faster), but she isn’t OP.

I think very small nerfs to make Moira less annoying, and very small QOL buffs to lower Ana’s skill floor is all that either hero needs.

That moment when you know they don’t understand the support role.

Why do people ignore the fact that Moira has no utility, while every other support is chiefly utility focused (or at least AS focused on their utility as their healing)?

“I’m going to discount the mechanic that justifies why the healing is as high as it is, and the fact that Moira has no utility to make up for lower healing, and say it’s too much”

Provide actual reasoning please

Ana is trash she has the best utility tools :slight_smile:

Don’t act like utility is that good atm

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No one said it is. Also, never claimed that Ana has the best utility, but she does have utility. In fact, it’s probably the main thing that’s helped keep her from flatlining over the past year or however long after her nerf. Fact is, utility brings value to a character, and Moira has none.

If Moira just outclasses every healer that have utility it can show two thing

  1. She’s op
  2. Utility is trash

And I assure you that Utility is not trash (Look at Brigitte an Zen)
And infact Peeling flankers is utility

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So everyone who doesn’t need McCree or solider like aiming is “mechanically braindead”?
Also if you played Moira at all you’d know that medals dont mean anything. All Moira has to do is touch someone with her primary fire or damage orb and if someone else kills them or if they die some other way she gets some credit too. If you’re using medals to validate your argument, as well as personal anecdotes (“a lot of people I know…”) then I’d advise you look for something else to base your argument on, otherwise it’s invalidated.

well, mechanically braindead for aiming, yeah

There seems to be this misunderstanding around these forums, people isn’t bothered by Moira not having to aim like McCree, people get annoyed because McCree (et all) HAS to aim while Moira doesn’t (nor brigitte and some others as well)

You have 4 seconds to hit a Moira that’s dealing dmg to you, in 4 seconds she can drain your life completely (if you have 200 hp of course) during 4 seconds with bad aim you can effectively hit ZERO shots and deal ZERO dmg, this means of course that you’re bad but it also doesn’t mean that Moira is good, she’s just “mechanically braindead”

I’m all up for assuming that Moira does take skill but when Aim is brought up into the mix don’t simply get offended, it’s a fact that Moira needs less aim and it’s the cornerstone of this discussion

Why do you think I’m offended?
Of course Moira doesn’t require as much aim. Now of course in the situation you’re bringing up, person A failed the aim check against moira. In this specific instance, could you say the Moira was braindead? Sure if you want. But if person A wasn’t moving or employing some form of evasive technique(blink, Sprint, dash, roll, wallclimb, etc) or if they didn’t utilize some form of self heal ( biotic field, hacked health packs, recall, etc) or didn’t rely on the team that they have (healers, tanks, dps) then couldn’t you say they same about person A?

Moira does, contrary to popular belief, actually require some form of tracking and aiming. Her beam is a mix of symmetras and zaryas. At extreme ranges she needs to be pixel perfect to deal damage, and if your directly in her face she doesn’t need to even have her crosshair on your hitbox.

Every other character in this game has the tools needed to dispatch a moira that’s harassing them. She has 50dps, so 4 seconds to deal with her (assuming your playing a 200hp hero). Moira cannot do any form of burst damage without wasting some valuable resource as a healer.
Now, just because person A failed the aim check and is bad doesn’t mean the Moira was braindead. Any other hero could’ve killed person A much faster, and they simply couldn’t have been labeled braindead if they did. If you’re referring to those who don’t need to aim to deal damage, then I advise you to go into a game as Moira, and try killing distant enemies, or even enemies that could by right in your face, but keep moving back and forth while doing damage to you( such as tracer ). It’s the most annoying thing in the world.
Moira doesn’t need a nerf. Person A just needs to step up their game.

If Moira outclasses every healer that has utility (all of them) then that means she must probably have a high amount of mobility or healing to make up for being the only healer without utility.
Not to mention weak but consistent damage and a resource meter, something no other healer has.
She isn’t op.

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The secondary fire accuracy percentage is tracked in game for a reason. She does need more aim then people make her out to

I understand Moira needs a little aim (I play quite a bit of Moira myself btw) though when compared to McCree and the like it’s way less so.

Let’s keep on the hypothetical case, McCree vs Moira, McCree could theoretically dash away to a side and all Moira would need to do is follow him without releasing her click, she can see where he goes pretty effectively, her only trouble would be flashbang though Moira’s range is 20m plus fade…

Now from McCree’s point of view, he has to aim straight to her body or head, if he hits her body her succ will heal her a bit, if he hits her head she’s pretty much done for, if he hits nothing he deals zero dmg, he MUST hit headshots or hit every single shot to win, which is of course even harder considering fade… if McCree wants to stay alive he has to rely on his teammates, Moira does not

I haven’t included the Orbs in any of the cases either

As I said, I do agree you require skill to play Moira, mainly dodging mechanics and balancing between healing/dmg, but when it comes to Aim, while you do require some, it’s almost nothing in comparison to other characters and I would advice you to stop bringing it up since it works against your argument of Moira being balanced (she is but aiming is not the reason why)

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But she is mechanically braindead… mechanically her kit is the easiest to pick up besides mercy. She has the most self sustain and one of the best defensive abilities in the game on a 6 sec CD. She’s extremely easy to get value out of, that’s why she is popular. Never said she was op.

Ahhh I see thanks for clearing it up. If McCree lands 3 body shots it should kill her right? (I don’t play McCree lol)
Assuming he can get the Moira to use fade, the Moira should probably stop fighting him and go heal the team.
But in a hypothetical 1v1, a McCree must rely on his mechanical aim and the environment to deal with her, I get what your saying.
I’m not really trying to bring up moiras aim or lack thereof as justification for her being balanced. I’m just stating that she does, in fact, need to aim to a degree, and the engagements she can place others in can be influenced by a multitude of factors like every other engagement in the game. She is pretty balanced in my opinion, I have no problem killing her as reaper or tracer, and I do get killed by mccree’s quite often since they often do rely on their team. Moira does have her counters, but I do see what your saying so once again thanks for taking the time to clear it up :smiley:

Geoff confirmed in his last Q&A that Moira is a hybrid support, just like Brigette and Zen. Moira is a dps-support hero so don’t expect her to lose any of her damage output.