Moira + Lifeweaver is bugged?

I will be franck : I am quite a good and dedicated support and I usually have the highest healing numbers. If not, Its by a few tenths of HP.
But since a couple of days, and only when there I got a LW as the other support, my healing numbers as Moira barely goes up with me pumping out all the healing possible and the LW gets skyrocket healing even if he does barely nothing.
Everytime in that configuration since 2 days ago. When I play some other support everything seems normal, and when the other support is not LW, everything is normal too.
Does somebody noticed that ?
I’d like returns of experience about it on other modes than qp (I don’t play comp anymore)

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Life weaver is a heal bot his kit is designed for more healing.

Moira is a stat bot, designed to have high healing WITH high damage

You’re less in healing to a healer that should have more healing output and less damage.

Regardless you’re playing a stat bot support. You can’t expect her to do more than seem good on the stat chart while offering 0 utility.

Healing/damage charts aren’t everything.


dang it i wanted to be franck :cry:


If you can’t be help, just don’t answer with your high horses.
I am talking about a possible bug there.
That is why i am asking for other testimonies about something like that in those conditions.

I did say my answer. Just because you didn’t like it is no reason to insult people by saying they are on a high horse. Nothing in my response had ANY hostility or better than tho it’s just my opinion dude.

Just disagree and move on


Whatever. You will not teach me what characters they are, I am perfectly aware of what type of dmg and healing they do.

If you can’t understand words written, you shouldn’t interact.
I do not care about what type of support they are.
There is a problem in numbers with this precise situation last 3 days ago. Moira’s healing are not going up like they should and LW are way too high for what the LW is doing in the game.

And that registering situation happens everytime since when and only when there is this combinaison. It didn’t before.

Don’t bother to answer if you haven’t testified that because I don’t care about anything else.

you do know that dps passive exist and that moira needs to do dmg as well?

Okay, since everyone is confused about what OP is asking about, I suppose I will clarify. They are asking if anyone else playing Moira or Lifeweaver have noticed a discrepancy in the healing stat when the other support is playing their opposite. Specifically Moira not being credited properly or Lifeweaver having inflated heal values.


Finally !
20 characters


Nope, haven’t noticed.

There’s only so much healing to go around. When you have two players healbotting, the person on the most efficient support will hoover up all the numbers.

In this case LW healing doesn’t miss, whereas Moira can miss the spray, heal orbs can bounce away from teammates, and she can’t really heal at range. Hence the number discrepancy in LWs favour, not vice-versa.

Long story short, it’s not a bug.


Lifeweaver is good at what is essentially heal sniping in this game. If you’re both healing the same target, his heal can be snappier and muscle itself onto the scoreboard first—meaning Moira’s HoT is a lot of overhealing.

I wouldn’t quite call it heal sniping though because it’s generally fine in this game as opposed to WoW.

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This thread ended up being surprisingly good entertainment.

Naz, and the others above him/her, are correct. No bug, just a gap in understanding of game mechanics.

(For the OP’s benefit, I played about 16 games last night as Lifeweaver or Moira—my mains—along with 9 more as DPS, and never once encountered this.)

Not something I’ve encountered OP. I play my share of Moira (often with a LW) and I’ve not noticed any unusual stat readings.

It could be that you’re fighting your co-support for healing and just not ‘getting there first.’ Some teams just don’t end up taking enough damage to reflect the work you’re doing on the scoreboard.

Try not to jump down people’s throats btw, we’re not out to get you I promise. Oh, and if you really feel you have encountered an un-documented bug (not outside the realm of possibility, it happens) then you need to put this in the bug report section of the forum

It definitly sounds like its less like a bug and more like what a couple others have mentioned

Moira could also have run out of goo and needs a minute to regain it, where as LW doesn’t have this problem. Take their ults into account as well. LW is just pure healing that doesn’t need to aim where as Moira needs to aim her blast so you could miss entirely if you just went dps with it

It’s really just comes down to the difference in their kits and what they focus on.

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