Moira is the only support who does incredible dmg AND heal

Go and look at Overbuff. Pick Support and organise by healing, then by damage. Notice something?

Generally, the more damage a support does, the less healing they do, and vice versa. Moira, however, is the exception; she is at or near the top of both lists. This is completely overpowered, and something’s gotta give. Moira can either retain her identity as a high damage support OR a heavy healer … but not both. It’s just not fair to every other support.

Personally, I would reduce her heal a lot and increase her damage moderately. Make her similar to Zen or Lucio.


Yeah she’s always been that way. She has zero team utility raw healing and raw damage with some self survivability is her entire niche. Her weakness is she is normally extremely unviable because her utility for the team is zero. She’s only good because she can keep up with others and just barely. She just barely has enough movement to keep up.


I would agree, but the dominance of Moira I think shows that the utility other healers offer can’t compete with her raw damage & healing.


Right but history shows she isn’t changed much at all. So a hero that almost never needs changes probably doesn’t need them now all they need is a meta shift. But so long as dive and survivability are important she fits in. As soon as dive falls out she will lose all viability and become trash again. Moira will eventually be weak again. Because she is a weak hero.

And if you want to shift the meta I’d say you’re gonna need to mess with tracer who is by far the best hero in the game right now. But people love tracer gameplay so getting that change is tough.


Dive meta causes Dive picks. Shocker.

Stop complaining about Moira. You’re just showing your lack of skill.


i dont care if a support can do a lot of healing and dmg… the problem become when you can do it with a very little effort… ow2 should be a competitive game.

It’s difficult to take someone seriously when they judge a character purely on the numbers they do. The only reason Moira is good right now is because survivability is currently at a premium. If raw cellophane-brain numbers were all that mattered, she would’ve been high tier throughout her history (after her post-launch buffs, she was actually terrible at launch).


Big numbers does not equal big wins


Good for her, let her be.

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I can throw orbs at random, never killing anyone or saving an ally from elimination and get the highest damage/ healing numbers of the match.

You are a practicing “survivorship bias” or Selection Bias to make a narrative.

No one is that dumb anymore, stop.


Moira literally is just numbers and surviving

She doesn’t block healing, she doesn’t have hard stuns, she doesn’t speed her team, she doesn’t make them unkillable, she doesn’t increase kill pressure

All she does is heal and do damage and be hard to kill


Honest question: can Moira headshot anyone with her beams? Can truly 2 or 3 tap someone?

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Moira is not a high damage support. Her damage per second is extremely low. The reason she does so much damage is because of her kit - she needs to do damage to recharge her heals. That’s why her damage numbers are high as a whole. Someone playing her correctly will have a lot of damage on the tab screen, but her DPS is almost nothing and rarely gets solo kills, unless people are playing away from their team.


She also tends to throw damage orbs at the enemy team for ult charge, padding her damage without really pressuring them.


The dominance of Moira shows us that tracer is OP, and Moira is one of the few supports who can survive against dive


Rein blocking more damage than any other tank. Clearly he’s too survivable


Tracer has less damage per 10 than Sym. Tracer must be D tier


Also if her damage is high likely a good chunk of her healing is self-healing, not team-healing (akin to Hog healing numbers).

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Healing doesn’t matter if the enemy team is dead and in that regard a bunch of supports are deadlier than her.


That’s the thing a lot of people don’t realize

Say forum Ana lands a 5 man grenade and the enemy team dies instantly because of it

The team now takes no damage for almost what… 20 full seconds of downtime? That’s a LOT of healing/ damage that isn’t being done