Moira is great at stealing kills, wich makes her ideal for DM. Ideal as in OP
unlike ohter modes, in DM you earn points by getting the last shot. unlike other modes, everyone is fighting everyone so as a moira everywhere you turn, you will find 2 players fighting one another, like say a mcree and a genji.
whoever wins, its likely to be at low health. low health means her right click needs less time to finish you off, less time you have to land shots on her before she kills you
pretend you are a mcree at full health, you have x amount of time until she kills you. in that time you need to land an X amount of shots. Moira in the other hand, has to concentrate in avoiding your shots and flash for that x amount of time.
its not that hard, if you land the flash then you are likely to win. I dont know the estadistics but Id say that its fair-ish 1v1 (considering that to play mcree in any mode, you need a certain amount of skill to make it viable).
id say that if its fair for mcree, its not that unfair for the rest of the heros. genji, tracer, doom, 76, sombra wich are popular in DM can easily get away or even kill her.
there are a lot of arguments why Moira isnt op, people say she is easy to hit (she is not, its easier to hit her than tracer but she is still a hard target) and in all honesty she isnt that strong in a 1v1, because outrunning her isnt that hard (as long as you have enough health and somewhere to run to) and the amount of damage she can put out varies on where the fight is happening.
DM is different though, in dm she can assume a playstyle that lets her get a ton of kills without doing much damage overall because the last shot is the only one that counts.
tl;dr: moira is definitely broken in DM, I dont know if blizzard is going to do something about it or even whether they should. I just know that moira is broken in DM and that whenever a moira wins, I feel cheated
Roadhog is about 10x more broken but ok
Some heroes are better than others in a mode that isn’t central to the game’s core design. Who knew.
idk, theres a lot more to road than moira. I think that the problem with moira is the way she wins.
id say road is a top tier character in DM while moira is a broken tier character
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It’s almost like Overwatch wasn’t created with Deathmatch in mind.
its almost as if no one reads the thing before commenting
overwatch is toxic even outside the game, goddamit
Here’s a tip from someone with over 350 hours on FFA: DO NOT play this gamemode on the first day or two that lootboxes reset. Just don’t do it. You will only see: Genji, Tracer, McCree, Junkrat, Moira, and Roadhog. That’s it. Those are the only ones and you know why.
Just wait a few days.
I’m just saying, there’s no point in complaining about heroes in Deathmatch because Blizzard won’t balance one hero specifically for that game mode.
Good timing. I was just thinking the same thing lol.
I wonder, though. Who wants to play Moira by default in that mode? Ruins the fun. I can understand it after Genji made your experience miserable, but picking her for the whole match is kinda lame.
And it gets exponentially worse the more Moiras are in the game.
Nah. You pick Reaper, he’s garbage. And he isn’t the king of kill stealing.
Moira never wins any DM I’m in. If she annoys you just play Roadhog. Problem solved.
RH can still one-shot reaper though, he’s not really a counter. Moira may be better at kill-stealing, but Roadhog has a much better ult AND can one-shot pretty much everyone.
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And i still get top 3 every game as a mediocre McCree even if there are 4 moiras. Perhaps she isnt the issue
Game is not balanced around Deathmatch.
What I will say is that it’s strange how a great deal of health packs are conveniently located in closed spaces or boop regions.
perhaps you are really good
I too get top 4 pretty often as a mediocre mcree and I hate when im running towards a healthpack and I get picked off by one of 3 moiras there are in the sv
the more moiras there are, the less likely it is that one is going to end up first
she is competing with other moiras
Junkrat says hi.
Also, on console, we have to deal with K&M users OHKOing everyone as Hanzo and Widow. Hollywood is a NIGHTMARE map on console.
I dont want to have to switch to road because of a moira
normally if mcree isnt working for me I switch to the next hero I like and its as viable as any other, unless there are 3 moiras in the sv
You don’t have to switch. Road is just easy mode. I play McCree in DM all the time against Moiras and consider them free food.
well congrats on being so skilled
I am not that skilled so moira is a problem to me
Then it’s not a Moira problem, it’s a you problem. When you get better she won’t be a problem for you either.
Any good Roadhog will destroy Reaper – this is correct.
Same way that Roadhog virtually destroys everyone in Death Match.
Moira is fine – Death Match is not balanced – nothing to see here.
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