Moira Has 2.0% Usage in OWL 2021 So Far

HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW?? i’m honestly failing to understand wht you see as dominating, cause cree got more than double his pickrate in pretty much all ranks.

JUST HOW, I’M HONESTLY TRYING TO UNDERSTAND HOW PEOPLE THINK HES THIS GOOD? i’m TIRED of saying, HIS - KIT - IS - WEAK hes only sitting at 3% pickrate ACROSS ALL RANKS below GM (with the exception of GM i’m more than happy with his current pickrate because its not too much and not too little) BUT PUT THIS IN YOUR MIND once and for all, the only reason hes able to keep 50% winrate is because nano/damage boosted blade exist. If you remove that from him without a single buff you’ll see how his winrate will take a deep dive. The heros kit only rewards you if you can land headshot only to erase your target from existence which is humanly impossible. Look i’m sorry, but all people say Genji is a good hero have one thing in comon: they don’t play the hero.

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no they didnot say that
they said “she is in a perfectly fine spot” so yeah next time be accurate man :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hog also has 0% pickrate where are our thicc boy buffs ?

That’s 2 more % than I thought she’d have.


Hopefully one day she gets the much need improvements like a utility ability of some kind.

one week of games has been played so far lmao relax bringning up pick rates until at least may melee

I like how ATP said its refreshing to see Mcree when he is one of the most played heroes in OWL

On the experimental card. And squishy mains are quivering in fear as though they weren’t already one shot. Rofl.

Yeah I mean she’s only playable in rush and she’s just completely outclassed by Bap in almost every way there so… Not surprised. Decent on some control maps where the environment doesn’t provide a lot of protection.

While i do agree that Moira needs help i can’t help to wonder one thing.


Yeah I cannot wait for these dps mains to come here and cry about it :japanese_ogre:

Fix Bap and Moira is back in the meta again. Moira was the only support that could do what she could do until Bap got Overpowered. If you look at OWL, if Bap wasn’t OP, Moira would be the one in that situation, not Bap.

I dont watch the league, but i use the icon because it matches my name. Never once watched this team

Gott’em :rofl: Changes:
MEKA: Removed

Developer comments: We saw that was seeing a lot of playtime in the OWL and thought we’d have to do something about how oppressive she was without removing the core of her character. With these new changes players will play as without Defense Matrix, Self Destruct, and her MEKA while still keeping her core and most powerful aspect, Baby and her blaster.

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Saaying she shouldn tget major buffs doesn timply that you think her usage will be high

Please don’t use OWL stats

Hog at 0% in the past year LMAO

Not ever hero can be viable majority of the time. Also, it’s possible for a hero to be in a good spot, but unviable due to certain synergies being better or the heroes they compete against for a playing spot offering more at that given time.

She’s getting a buff in my experimental so no idea who your quoting. Some random player on the forum?