Moderators, feedback on the forum:

I like the new functions, the possibilities on the blur effect si really useful (but how table can be used? it isn’t works? :sweat_smile:). I would like to add further feedback:

  • social networks that use sets of personal images have existed for years, something that the blizzard forums don’t do… with the sprays obtained in Overwatch! if we can’t apply images, it would at least be nice to be able to use the sprays obtained in the game as png files on the forum. It would be fun :framed_picture:;

  • I don’t understand why you haven’t yet implemented syntax features that have been around for years… but no one knows about. every time I have to use this topic to remind me how to make “Hello, world!” highlighted. :person_facepalming:

  • ok, the game asks for 300 coins for icons now. So stop ignoring the bug where they don’t update within the forum. theoretically in this way you deny me the use of this feature that I purchase within the game (yes, even through your bundles :shopping:). This, even if it is a very minimal function, still constitutes a valid prerequisite for reporting to a consumer protection association :point_left: :unamused:. Fix it, because it’s not correct that it doesn’t work and today there are many users who would like, for example, to change their Chinese, Russian or Israeli flags for current political reasons but they can’t :grimacing:;

  • Feedback that never gets old: combat necroposting with automatic closure of replies to topics that have been inactive for over 3 months. :lock: It’s not science fiction, it’s a function that exists in other forums;

  • Perhaps a bit harsh feedback, but in my opinion not even that unfair: preventing access to the forum to anyone who hasn’t entered the game for 6 months :person_gesturing_no:. a sort of temporary ban, exactly like the one applied to all the blizzard game forums which prevent people from being able to write on them if they haven’t installed / accessed / purchased the blizzard game from their account battlenet. Why do I ask? Because too many people talking about a game they haven’t played anymore, spouting too many sentences about something they don’t even play. And frankly it’s ridiculous from every point of view, given that (as I said before) the limitation for first access does exist. I’m not interested in the opinion of those who have no idea how the game (now free to play) has changed without even having installed it.

I know, the last few points are a little more aggressive than I really wanted :cold_sweat:. but let’s think about what this forum NEEDS, since you’re in the mood to update it, right? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: