MMR resets = good, hidden MMR = bad

There’s no problem. I’d be fine clapping diamonds and below for weeks on all my alt accounts again.

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I honestly don’t think it would be weeks more like a few games for legit GM, at most a few days.

Few days per account, equals up to a few weeks for me

Why make people do this though. The matchmaker already has people in the ranks their supposed to be in, give or take 150SR or so. Why make them start again in the middle of chaos every few months, just so that they can climb back to an SR they were already at, it makes no sense. There’s zero logic to it. So no, it wouldn’t be ‘awesome’.

It wouldn’t though. You’re not thinking about this at all. Once the system sorts everyone back into the SR tiers they’re supposed to be in (the ones people are currently in) the game would be THE SAME as it is now. Not better or healthier. All you’d be doing by doing this is adding weeks of crappy chaos, just to get the game back to the current state it’s already in. Like I said, what’s the point. All you’re doing here is making the game worse than it already is and for zero logical reason.

First, remove MMR system, second, add sms verification to every rank level.

I do think this would a semi-effective way to combat smurfs if blizz wanted to. Not a perfect way, as i know a bunch of T500s who just use multiple family phones to get SMS protect, but it would still neutralize a few, again, if thats what blizz wanted

Yeah, i mean its better than nothing?

Ok so what? You eliminate smurf alt accounts, then what? If the MMR system resets every few months, high ranked players could effectively smurf anyway by throwing their placements. Then you’d basically have the same problem, except you also have the added chaos of the entire player base being thrown against each other regardless of skill level into competitive matches, which we already agreed, would add weeks of chaos to the game before it sorted itself out.

So, you reset it only once, and then you add SMS verification.

Sure, that would be overall healthier for the game and I could get behind that. My issue with MMR resets is the idea of them happening EVERY SEASON, which is what most people that are behind resetting MMR in this post are advocating for, which I do not think would be healthy for the game. But sure, if it was only once then no problem.

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See? Little conversation and we are on same page. And people say there is only trolls on OW forums.

I get you man, I know what I say can come off as argumentative at certain points but I’m not against good ideas. Like I said, I don’t think resets every season is a good idea at all, but what you ended up suggesting would be overall good for the game and I could get behind that. Apologies if anything I said entered the realms of toxicity.

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Apologies if it seemed that i wanted just annoy you. English ain’t my native language, so it might seems i am just trolling or being sarcastic ^^

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How else could get people to buy new copys of the game :slight_smile:

I am 3100 mercy. I’m tired of playing this hero. I want to play on the hero of the offensive. What should I do? Spoil matches until I get to well-deserved silver?

Resetting MMR gives you the opportunity to start a career as a new hero without spoiling the matches of other players. In order for professional players to get to their rankings faster, you need to redo the system following the example of LoL.

Buy a new account???

When you want to play Diablo 3 with a new hero, do you also buy a new account?

I already bought the game, but the game makes me play on one hero without giving a chance to learn a new hero. But if, in spite of everything, I start playing a new hero, then I will get a ban. I will spoil the game! And the ban is not the worst, the worst is that I will spoil the matches in which others are trying to win.

Lmao this comparison is completely ridiculous. The game formats and structures aren’t the same at all so this makes no sense.

No. The game doesn’t do that at all. You did it to yourself. Getting good on only 1 hero is your fault, not the games. You chose to only pick one hero each time, it’s not like the game locked every hero out for you each match. You have the option to pick ANY hero, every single match you have that option. It’s on you for only getting good at one of them.

You chose to one trick. It’s not somehow the games fault now that you regret that decision.

I have a main account in Diamond as well. Yet I can maintain it with multiple characters, in many different roles, though mainly main tank and DPS roles. If I decide to start playing something I’m not good at I practise it in QP first until I’m satisfied I can play it up to scratch in comp. That’s what QP is for. You don’t just start learning a new hero from scratch in comp, you practise with them first.

First of all, these are games (paid), so the comparison is absolutely appropriate.

It is hard at the start of a career to be flex, besides support is always needed by the team. It took a long time before I realized the game and how to play it. And now, when they have a rather high rating, I cannot switch to the hero of the offensive, therefore I will spoil the matches. The game should give the player a chance to start from the beginning, buying a second account is allowed only if I want to keep 2 careers, but I do not want.

Not. I’m not otp, I can play another 2 heroes of support.

And how long to train in fast games? AIM is a skill that has been practicing for years and I do not want to spend years in fast games, I want to play competitive mode now on the rating on which my AIM will be acceptable.

All that you are doing now is justifying the terrible game-design decisions made in the game calling for buying new accounts.

There are many successful and developing projects with a competitive mode in the games market, but none of them have so many terrible game-design decisions. Now you justify the terrible decisions in the game, tomorrow you will cry and hate Blizzard for sending Retire Overvotch, as it was with HotS.

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Why are there less and less playing players?

No. It’s not appropriate. In Diablo you don’t have the option of picking from 28 characters with set abilities that never change everytime you log in. You pick 1 character, build on them and level them. If you want to start a new character, you start from scratch and level them. You don’t ‘level’ characters in Overwatch, they stay constant no matter what. So no, it’s a terrible comparison that makes zero sense to make. It’s like comparing chess and bingo then saying they’re the same thing, when they’re obviously not, they’re completely different games.

No it’s not. Just choose to flex then do it.

Doesn’t mean you always have to be that support. You took that role on yourself. Again, the game didn’t MAKE you do this.

Again, this is something you’re imposing on yourself. You still have the option to change in game. As I said, you also still have the option to practise aiming in QP. Nothing is stopping you from doing that, only you are.

Then I assume you know how to aim to at least a Diamond level, as there’s only 2 heroes in support that require absolutely zero aim.

Aim is a skill that’s constantly improved. As I said before it’s only you that’s imposing this ‘I can’t pick DPS’ attitude on yourself. Again, the game is not making you do this. You somehow think it’s the games fault for your decision making. The game has forced you to do nothing.

How am I? How is the game terribly designed? The game doesn’t force you to pick only one hero, you chose to do that, you’re the only one here saying you can’t pick other heroes, you’re given the option every single match to pick others, you just choose not to take it. Again, that’s on you and your decision making, not the games. Your whole narrative here is that the game is forcing you to do these things, when the truth is the exact opposite.

If you want a fresh start buy a new account. It’s literally $20. Then delete your old one if you don’t want 2 ‘careers’. Easy. Then the entire player base doesn’t have to suffer through a terrible MMR reset that the majority of the player base doesn’t even want.

You mean the terrible decisions they made like:
*Allowing you to pick any hero you like every game
*Not locking off all other heroes except Mercy
*Allowing you to buy the game again for next to nothing so you can start a new career if you wish to.

Wow, some real bad business decisions there huh. Real limiting.