MMR resets = good, hidden MMR = bad

I have a plat smurf, that I used to practice doomfist, last season I placed like 2400 or something doom only, ended like 2800, so this season I went 9-1 hard carrying every game 90 percent win rate and I placed 2900 LOL, if I placed 9-1 on a fresh account I’d be like 3300, why do we not do mmr resets? Can anyone give me any idea? How awesome would it be to be playing alongside pros every season for a few games while they inevitably rank all the way up to GM? What’s with all this hidden MMR BS? And also I gauruntee a lot of GM’s would no longer be GM.


Because resetting MMR would put players of bronze caliber in games with T500s. Know all the people complaining about getting clapped by a smurf, who’s probably like diamond? Imagine the wakeup call when they go against a GM widow lmfao.

In all seriousness, putting GMs with golds or silvers is gonna create a TON of chaos initially, while eventually we’ll end up where we are now.


Then they could easily wait to do placements no?

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Wait to do placements, then get put into a randomized game still. How would the game know where to place them?

Place them in a completely random rank? dumb.
Place them in the SR they were at before? Huh, thats the system we have now, which people want to fix
Place them in a silver game first, like a fresh account? Then people complain about stomps and smurfs

This has an easy fix - if someone’s MMR is reset, they have to play a set amount of QP matches (idk how many but definitely enough to establish a QP mmr) and that would help determine who they’d play or place with.

Not a perfect system, but for people who improved since their initial placements it could help.

That’s assuming they end up on your team and not the enemy team.

Kinda sounds like you want a free ride. The only people a reset would benefit would be the top end.

Also it’d takes weeks for the MMR system to actually get everyone back to where they need to be. Until that point it’d be terrible for lower ranked players (who’re the majority of the player base) that’d basically be getting smurfs every game because of the reset.

No thanks.

Because resetting MMR would put players of bronze caliber in games with T500s. Know all the people complaining about getting clapped by a smurf, who’s probably like diamond? Imagine the wakeup call when they go against a GM widow lmfao.

In all seriousness, putting GMs with golds or silvers is gonna create a TON of chaos initially, while eventually we’ll end up where we are now.

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QP is not overwatch, 20 characters

Thats already a thing with smurfing like you said. Thats why resetting and banning alt accounts boths has to happen. 1 month of randomness is okay but plat and below is a roulette like 2 years ago.

No its not, go see this where its explained how is that not true.

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Yeah… You dont have to be master or gm to be smurf. You do know there is lower ranks than diamond and plat?

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If you actualy went and watch whole video, he is talking about it there too. Go and watch it so you can understand it before you react.

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Yeah, i did understand it. I`ve seen this video before couple times in last month, it seems to rise its head every time when someone defends smurfs or their alt accounts

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fanboys will cry to much that they have to slog it out for their given ranks over and over again.
I guess people don’t want to try once they are given it all.
Oh and the its will be a crapshow till everyone gets back to where they belong, Good let it be a crapshow, no stacks etc for the first 2 weeks and if you haven’t placed in that time then you cant place at all. All solo play.
Yes yes yes I know, you fanboys cant do anything unless your stacked or getting what you like…


If you are truly leagues beyond your rank you climb easy, no question. I could take any bronze account and bring it to gold at least. Same goes for a GM.

I mean, the game already does this. On a fresh account, your initial placement matches match you based on your quickplay MMR. That’s why people who want to do the “Plat to T500” thing level to 25 in custom games.

If you go into the fresh placements with no quickplay MMR, it starts you out at around 2500 SR, which is about the average.

Do you honestly believe that an MMR reset would put T500 vs Bronze players?

Grand Master is roughly 1% of the playerbase. (From the latest distribution chart I saw) I assume there’s more people in grand master than top 500, thus top 500 is even less than 1%. Bronze is roughly 8% of the player base. In total, grand master and bronze is 9% of the player base.

Combined, master and grand master tiers are 4% of the player base. (Just in case not all top 500 players are grand master) Again, bronze is only 8% of the player base. In total, you have 12% of the player base. The odds of these players meeting in a random match is vary small.

Alt accounts and smurf accounts are the same thing. They have the same purpose, and the only difference is the journey used to achieve the same goal. “One tricking” or playing heroes you aren’t as good is no better than throwing a game, and often times it crosses over to being exactly the same thing.

If you are a top 500 Zarya, and your team directly needs Zarya, do you swap? Do you stay Doomfist (for example) and continue to be frozen by Mei and dominated by Sym? (again just an example)

Do you intentionally lose the game, in order to stay Doomfist, or do you swap to a hero that you are 2+ tiers better at? If you don’t swap, you have thrown the game, causing your team to lose an otherwise winnable game. If you do swap, Doomfist has become a crutch for you to stay in a lower tier.

Look at it this way, I’m a grandmaster. I’m gonna be put into games with bronze-golds, since they make up like what, 40% of the playerbase? There are 11 players besides me. That means each player has a 40% chance to be a bronze-gold. Each player has an 8% chance to be bronze. My point being, there are going to be sh*tters in my games 24/7, whether on the enemy team or my team.


You have a team of 6 rowers in a canoe.

5 of you are doing their job. One rower on one side decides he isnt going to row nearly as hard as his friends. You know what happens to that canoe? It goes in a circle. Why? Because the force on one side is greater than the other. The rowers go nowhere.

The same is true for Overwatch. When someone intentionally plays a hero that does not fit the other players hero choices or picks a hero that does not do well from a particular side against a specific enemy, their team has a higher likelihood of losing the match due to ONE players choice to be a stick in the mud. That is because this game is about counter play. If you are a Widow who keeps getting jumped by a WInston and you are not securing picks during team fights then you should switch to a different DPS.

The flip side. Even IF you choose the correct herobecause your team asked you to, then it comes down to your skill with that hero. If you switched off Widow and the team asks you to play Reaper and you dont play Reaper well, there are fewer options for success.

But this is why we need more Competitive gameplay modes so those players aren’t forced into situations where they cant perform well.

I couldn’t care if I lost when my whole team did EVERYTHING they could to win as long as we all put up a fight. I care when I lose after some dipstick goes Torbjorn because another twit tries to hold the team hostage saying “I aint gonna switch to heals/tank unless we get another tank/heals.” I HATE those groups.

Nobody can win a match by themselves…but they do all lose together.

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Eh, I’d be fine with it because I feel like I am where I belong, but imagine the salt of players who don’t go up 2 ranks or go down 2 ranks because they aren’t as good as they think. I see post every day saying, “I’m in silver playing at a plat level.”