MMR is Ridiculous

The real problem is they’re trying to reduce queue times by making matchmaking not try at all to actually match up skills and instead prioritize getting people into games.

I feel the problem is that they want their MMR to do too much. Force an 'even match" look at skins, people’s win rates, etc.

This is what makes for long queue times. I find when the game things it’s our turn to lose, the queues are longer. My duo partner and I go “damn, long queue, this is a loss” and we’re usually right.

So, if they’d just stop trying to control it all and sell skins… They’d get instant queues AND better games.

It’s bizarre.


There is no team in Bronze 5. It plays like TM deathmatch. At a low level, learn to play self healing dps. I’ve played in every elo except GM. I can carry Bronze 5 solo as Solider and rack up 50-70 kills per game. Gold elo plays like a dysfunctional family and OW doesn’t start playing as a team until you hit about Plat.

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Are you both equally skilled or 2-3 rank apart? (I mean true skill or mmr, not the SR) I had simlair experience when I’m playing with friends that are more than 2 rank below me, the match making seems to have an anti carry algorithm, after winning some games in a row, we keep getting teammate dps that barely do 1000 damage per round, and I often need to switch to hog and 1v5 the enemy team to have a chance to win. There was one game I literlly solo killed 10 enemies in 40 second overtime, and graved twice on Zarya with the help of my friend’s pocket healing Ana.

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So by your logic, all the plat players in season one suddenly gained large flaws in basic video game logic overnight? Wake up man. It obvious to anyone who has played this game for more than an afternoon that the large flaws are with the matchmaking, not the players.


No, its just the system correcting itself.
Some players just are placed higher than they deserve.

Every time. Just won 3 games straight with under 20 sec queue times, then got hit with a 56 sec queue time and got steam rolled. 3 gold/silver on my team against all plat and a diamond on enemies


Saw this in ow1.

My gm friend smurfed with me in gold (my actual rank).

After an easy game we met a better smurf who crushed us, or got utter sub bronze waste of space team mates (supposed gold Zen not using orbs at all…).

He told me that it was sweatier than playing in gm.

He smurfed a fair bit in gold. One game he got 96 elims and still lost as his team was too heavy.

The only reason of MMR in comp is to keep you closest to 50% w/l.

Which they had to hide once people figured this out.
Now you can’t even look at your overall win rate, and they won’t allow Overbuff any more so we can’t see that our season record was literally 251-251-4.

3 rank updates with a 16 out of 21 wins , no rank change. 1 bad lose streak with uncarriable players i derank. great system


This is what the developers dont understand. The only metric in sport worth alot is winning or losing.

Yeah, that happend with me too. Today, I’m playing with my friends on this account, my tank role haven’t placed yet since ow2, but it was diamond during last ow1 season. My friends are silver and gold, and our random dps teammate are gold as well, but the enemy team keep getting very good dps, such as Ashe that land almost all headshots(could be a cheater, I will check replay later) The enemy team is definally around high plat or low diamond skill, and destroyed my friend and the other random dps teammate(They died over 10 times in a round) It was very sweaty, but at least we got 4 win, 2 loss, so not too bad. Funny enough, I got placed into gold 2 lol. When I look at my stats this season,my Zarya and Orisa and Hog has 30+ elim per 10min and almost 15k hero damage per 10min, thats how heavy those games were.

first the rank you see doesnt matter. second if the game is absolute chaos of a nearly continuous fight every game, you are probably in bronze. that said just because you ranks says bronze, doesnt mean you are that. remember MMR is your ranks, what you see is a lie for progression.

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I watched

All I saw was a Bronze game with a lot of awareness issues and the Bastion on your team had some pretty bad Mechanical skill and on the Enemy team the Tracer had the same bad mechanics as your Bastion.
You had ok mechanical for a bronze and so did the Reaper on other team. The one thing that separated you two from each other was the Reaper had more map knowledge and awareness.
There were about 3 or 4 times you were being shot in the back and never turned around not once. Couple other teammates did the same.
You also were on the bot a LOT. That’s not your job, it’s your tanks job OR a support if the Tank is busy trying to stagger and make some space.

There were no Higher skilled players in your game. They were all Bronze. The Reaper is just a better Bronze and probably climbing because he has those skills that you are lacking for a bronze player. Awareness and Map Knowledge. Practice those things and you might get to Silver.
And stop playing Junkrat, that’s just weird.

Then he is an idiot. They are losing players by the day. He obviously doesn’t play OW2 live servers and should be fired and replaced.

I just had a stomp game, talking to my DPS he said I am 3k peek! Haven’t done my placements yet… in my game… a damn high masters/GM game… it’s a joke and I’m quitting soon too just like everyone else around me. I’ll come back when this idiot is fired and the matchmaking actually works.


Yeah I saw someone else suggest the same thing. Lower ranks are needed below bronze 5. I totally agree. But will they do it? Probably not. Posts like these are everywhere. Good ideas all over the place but blizzard activation Does Not Care.

Does anyone else watch Bronze elo and laugh hysterically? I’m sorry, but Bronze is so bad it causes me to go into a laughing fit.

Bronze is bad… if it has bronze players.

But for some players, Bronze is actually like mid-silver, thanks to MMR giving them harder games than your regular Bronze player.

No we don’t need ranks lower than Bronze 5, we need to put the worst players in Bronze 5 and the slightly better players in Bronze 4. That’s literally what a bottom rank is for. The problem is using MMR or any ranking system to keep people at a 50/50 win rate while simultaneously using win rate to determine SR ranking.

Get rid of MMR for comp. Matchmake using only SR. Ppl who win a lot will quickly move out of Bronze and Bronze will be left with those that can’t win their way out of matches full of other Bronze players (like it should have been).