MMR is not needed for quality matchmaking, only for manipulating game experience!

the mmr system is use to match people of a similiar skill level.

Also comp isn’t an rpg they don’t want you climbing if your not suited for that rank. If any thing a sheer point system would kill overwatch because of all the Rng you get with your team.

Ya other games can get away with it but Overwatch, isn’t like other games.

the mmr system is use to match people of a similiar skill level.

LoL it does NOT do that. Every game is a complete stomp with infinite skill disparity between the two teams.

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Links? I’m genuinely interested.

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This post deserves more likes. Going off at your current rank does not warrant higher ranked opponents the next game. Playing within your SR should allow you to climb and fall accordingly.

MMR should not exist.


MMR is there to somewhat prevent smurfing right? But the biggest reason why people smurf is because they are tired of MMR.

I thought MMR existed so a player never climbs, or it perpetuates a players climb.

I’m not saying the system is rigged, but I am saying that MMR ensures you cannot climb easily.

A player is punished for performing well, not rewarded with SR or rank. If you go off and win, 25 SR gain and much tougher opponents next match, while some hidden, unseen number moves you into more difficult matches.


It’s always possible to climb but MMR is making it way harder than it should. I remember aimbotcalvin saying he needs to give 200% in some games because his team is that bad.
Anyone trying to climb and consistently performing better than his rank knows this is true.


Entertainment > E-Sports.

The path to a professional career is completely different from that of respected sports or real E-Sports. Overwatch is bad for the reputation of E-Sports.

Someone else said this but it does happen. The MMR system forces the two best players to carry that’s how the game is designed. Without MMR the matches would be Sr vs Sr may the better team win with no outside interference trying to determine how to balance teams. It just ends up placing either two smurfs against each other or a better statistical player against a Smurf.


Being put in that position every game and simply not being able to carry hard enough is extremely demoralizing. I’m bordering silver at this point and all I get are unwinnable games. I try very hard and I know I’m not silver I’m probably plat but I get teamed against Masters/GMs on alt accounts and I’m definitely not anywhere near good enough to compete against them.


I think you are exaggerating but what you say is true (GM are only 1% even if most of them smurf you won’t see many).
But I’ve seen too many silver games being harder than your average Plat match first hand.
So let’s say you’ve somehow made it to high Silver but you actually deserve Platinum and perform accordingly. You won’t carry all of your games in fact the game will challenge you harder than your teammates.
You will climb yes but mostly with personal SR. If you get unlucky with leavers and throwers pulling your winrate down this process might even get extended.
Imagine a Plat player stuck in Silver for a month, sounds ridiculous but is totally possible.
This is whole concept is just immoral to me.

I wish I was exaggerating but I asked someone on the enemy team if I could group and ended up playing a few games with them. They were a 4400 main on an alt account.


The last season I really played this game before the role queue I was a plat Ana main healer. I placed gold for this season, and now I find it impossible to get back up to plat. I was 1 game away before going on a massive loss streak all the way down to silver. Even at 2400+ sr, I was getting silver dps on my team that would do stupid things like standing in front of shields, not taking high ground, etc. Started playing Zen more to help carry the dps with discords and extra damage, only to get flamed for playing Zen because, “WE NEED MORE HEALS, STOP THROWING. I’M NOT GETTING GOOD DAMAGE BECAUSE I’M DYING BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT HEALING ME” - Even though the Moira on my team, by the end of the game, had 38% team healing done.

The most frustrating part is the amount of time that I’ve spent studying gameplay of players like ML7, watching coaching videos from Jayne on positioning, buying Kovaak’s Aim Trainer to help practice my aim, etc. Actually putting forth time and effort into getting better and learning the game and how to be most effective, only for it to be for naught.


1 smurfs are not always and only t500 or gm’s…smurfs are players that are a higher rank/skill playing in a lower elo then they should be (ie a plat player playing in silver)

2 the mmr system matchs based on skill…so if it asigns a number to each person it finds in lets say 2100 sr range…eaxh of the 12 players gets a number (for sake of match we will use numbers 1-20)
Each team gets a total of 20 points to use
Red team:
Player 1 gets a 2
Player 2 gets a 9
Player 3 gets a 2
Player 4 gets a 2
Player 5 gets a 3
Player 6 gets a 2

Player 1 gets a 4
Player 6 gets a 4
Player 6 gets a 4
Player 6 gets a 5
Player 6 gets a 2
Player 6 gets a 1

So by those numbers they all equal 20…so to a machine that game is even and fair…but we all know the 9 on red team probably cant carry that many 2s and 1s… were the blue team is more well rounded in skill …so not a fair fight. (Again none of know the real numbers) but this is why the system is broken and should be removed and simply put sr vs sr.

Again again this is based on observation only cuz we have no true numbers…and maybe we are all wrong and a real monkey named winston is match us all while jeff feeds him bananas…


And did you actualy try to post vod for review?

So true, ow is a game where you have to take a break every now and again because the MMR system screws with your mind, and people start to voice that frustration in-game (myself included).

Are you asking me if I’ve given ML7 or Jayne sample replays to review or if I review my own replays? I will watch my own replays and analyze them, looking for things that I could do better, but I have not posted them or shared them with others as I have not found players or coaches that are willing to do such analysis, for free.

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I can check your gameplay and give you feedback for free. If my skill is not enough we have GM guy who do vod reviews for free in our discord. Let me know if you are interested.

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But MMR is needed to make sure that i get put up vs. Level 25 Hanzo smurf every time i win two games. The longer queue gives it away.


Some people are just brain dead. Had an Ana blame DPS (me being one) even though our Reinhardt was terrible. What makes it funny is he said that right after I died using my deadeye. Totally my fault if I use it behind our Reinhardt and he just walks behind me after I am glowing for a second, no his shield was full there was no reason other than killing me.
He was even flanking as our maintank and we still got trashtalked like wtf?