MMR handicapping time to be removed

I have never had as much of a problem with it as I did today.

I spent multiple games In a row completely popping off. Just for the game to decide. Oh wait he’s climbing too fast.

Let’s pair this gm Hanzo and gm widow Smurf against him see how he does. As both players go on to kill every member of my team beside me over and over again. She could of been cheating is have to watch it back. Still ridiculous.

Simple concept of my team going dive which they were to stubborn or dumb to do not sure which.

Either way. This is the last straw for me. I will aways love your game but I’m not sure if you are going to fix it’s core problems ever when overwatch 2 should not take priority over fixing your old game.

There has been posts with 2000 plus comments and multiple posts like this at that.mmr handicapping needs to go.


Maybe the haven’t changed it, because it is not something that exists… Therefore nothing they can change?

I don’t know the inner workings of the MMR/SR system, no one on here does. So I very much doubt the devs will come here for ideas on that one.

I believe it definitely exists. That game was enough evidence for me.

It’s a shame too because I’ve played with masters players and newsflash they aren’t as amazing as people think. The skill difference between high plat, diamond and low masters is so minimal you hardly even notice it.

I feel bad for every player chasing a better rank with a system intended to hold them back.

Project A took a clear shot at this system when discussing their game.


and because of this system as soon as project a comes out im jumping off of the blizzard hamster wheel


Me too I can’t wait for it

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Is this the same tinfoil guy whos making these posts? Since you sound just like him and your lvl 7.

No I’m not him lol I’ve seen his posts though

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Why do you post with lvl 7 account and imitate him?

I Dont get it. So you popped off in multiple games and lost one against smurfs and it tilted you? Seriously?

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I think it’s because it feels like the match maker works against you if you’re doing well.

If they gave us more visibility on what’s going on with the matches (like they said they were going to last anniversary dev update), we might not be so skeptical and frustrated with it.

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Matchmaker doesnt work for you or against you, why the hell it would be designed it like that? :smiley:

Only one working for you or against you is “you”

Plently of people done bronze to gm runs. Its proof that there is not anything like rigged matchmaking. You dont need to know exact algorithms how matchmaker works.


actually it does prove it wrong if GM players are ending up in Bronze

No its not as they did it on purpose. Not that system placed them there thinking how they belong there.


i dont’ doubt that the designers had good intentions, but I still believe it’s got some garbage logic going on.

a popular tinfoil theory since around S3-4 of comp is that the match maker is this Sky Net like AI that randomly decides who gets to rank up or town.
When the simple truth is nothing about smurfs, thrower, leavers or anything about match making can stop a player from ranking up… if they are willing to play a lot of games.

all that lame community stuff /waves hands around/ real impact is make players NOT want to play 100+ games a season.


There’s a reason overwatch rank grind is obviously doing its best to hold you back. It makes you play the game more. Nothing else to it.

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Its flawed logic. You dont need system for that. You have players to keep you where you belong, not the system as obviously there are people who will be better than you who will be higher and worse than you who will be lower.

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It’s not flawed logic. It’s the same concept as a battle pass in any game. It’s intentionally designed to make you play the game every day. That’s exactly how overwatch ranked system is designed. To make your climb as much of a grind as possible. Out of a flawed logic that when you reach the rank you want you won’t play the game anymore

You have to grind because there is thousands of people like you lol, not because system want to hold you somewhere magicaly to make you play more.

Yep and then the handicap mmr system to make it more of a grind intentionally