ML7 on Bad Teammates

Yup, that’s what I and about 30 of my friends who use to play in 2017 have done. It’s a shame though because like all blizzard games; they are great games but the matchmaking for their team games uses a system primarily for 1v1 chess matches.

Overwatch does not use Elo or Glicko. It’s almost definitely a modified form of TrueSkill (which is designed for team games, unlike Elo and Glicko).

My friend, what you are saying is too truthful, and in this place people do not like the truth. There are liars, dishonesty, and people who take advantage of their own power so they can feel better about themself.

People who say to “stop blaming teammate and focus on yourself” say it so they are getting pats on the back. The real truth that is happening is you should focus on yourself, and also recognize that your teammates in many times are so terrible because the matchmaker is an abomination.

Yes, it is good to focus on self improvement, but it is a lie to ignore that many games are lost because your teammates are have glue for a snack.


On fire might not impact the result of your current game but being on fire more % of the time than people on that hero in your rank usually are and it’ll drive up your MMR and if your MMR exceeds your SR you’ll get better teammates and worse opponents, facilitating climbing.


Oh so people can gain ranks for losing? This is news to me, is there a video of this somewhere? It must have happened with all the smurfs around. I won 8 games in a row, lost one, and it still dropped my SR or whatever a hearty amount. This was my brief reintroduction to this game - and subsequent quitting; when Bliz bait and switched us saying they will wipe the SR with the new 222. My friends asked me how Overwatch is now, i replied: Still garbage. Worse even.

Please take conspiracy theories elsewhere.

For those who wish to now how the system actually works, see How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 18).

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The snark level is impressive, but answer the following question for me and you might be able to figure out the answer for yourself.

When I lose, I generally lose 17-18 SR. When I win, I generally gain 24-32. Additionally, I have a positive win rate (e.g. >50%).

Are you able to see how I’m able to climb even though I do lose some games?

Snark? You said this was Trueskill, from Microsoft? Or by modified you mean Elo infusions where its all about grinding and only about wins and losses. Yes, I get it. After hours of playing you gain rank. Well for the mass of us not in high diamond its pretty miserable to grind, only to lose SR from a mistake someone else made at the end; or if not the best case scenario - throughout the game. How’s that for snark.

Listen or dont. My personal wealth or health has nothing to do with how many people play Overwatch. I’m just a casual observer eating popcorn, watching the fire burn, and all the “this is fine” dogs still playing.

eh, passable, I’d say around 3/10. I think

is much higher-tier snark/emo. Keep at it, you definitely have skill at it!

ML7 gives some of the best advice I’ve heard for support players, and OW players in general. I swear I climbed 200SR literally just from watching a couple of his Ana/Moira vods.

Reading some of the comments above I understand why some people seem to think he means you can never blame your team. I don’t think this is what he is saying, but he is trying to instil a different mindset in the player. That change of mindset is absolutely what all players need to improve and therefore climb in this game.

If you constantly make excuses about things that are out of your control, whether that’s your team mates performance, team comp, smurfs etc etc these are all things you can’t do anything about, so it’s pointless to complain or focus on them.

All you can do is focus on yourself and think about what else you can do even to win. Even if you did basically everything right, you probably still made some mistakes here and there, perhaps they just weren’t punished in the game you won. Focusing on those things will help you get to the next stage of your development.

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Yeah, I’m much better when I’m not censored by blizzards china-pandering Winnie the Pooh moderators/developers/leadership who dont listen to critics, probably because they forgot their insulin shots the morning anyone ever reviewed their game.

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People are missing the thirds rule…

1/3 of games you cannot win
1/3 of games you cannot lose
1/3 of games are a coin flip that you have some control over.

Focusing on the other people in the cannot win games will not help you. You also have to remember that you are not always doing something wrong when you lose or something right when you win.

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Okay, have fun wallowing. :slight_smile:

No, i just play good games when i do :). Like everyone else with half a brain, and not brainwashed to think grinding is a thing people should do in video games. If you must - grind in real life, it actually amounts to something real. But beware, consequences are also real when you dont think clearly :wink:

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If you’re grinding mindlessly, you’re doing it wrong. Try focusing on what you could do better and improving, that way the grinding is minimal and you’re climbing all the while! :wink:

What I got from that clip was that every action and decision has a consequence.

Was that Zen forced into a 1v1? No.
Did he lose that 1v1? Yes.
Was there alternate options that he could have taken? Yes.

The bottom one is what’s important. Everything that YOU do in Overwatch has a consequence. What if ML7 had been farming supports all game? Then I should expect this Moira to rush me when the opportunity presents itself.

I think these are the types of questions one needs to ask themselves when playing this game. The game is not a 1v1 pvp RPG where you control 6 units where 2 tanks put up a shield for the turn. 2 DPS fire away at the shields and the supports heal any damage and then the turns switch. No, you as a player are put into the role with a first person viewpoint exploiting each players weaknesses and/or poor decision making.

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Nobody, especially me, is saying saying youll climb if you get good teammtes, or you will climb if you dont improve (if you have good team), but to say when you lose you must have played poorly and youre the reason you lost. No, sometimes you can be exceptional and still lose. Sometimes you can be piss poor and still win. At the end of a match, the winner is the TEAM that played better and singular personal performance will not matter.

So, yes, if i lose i always try to recognize where my faults were BUT you cant win if the sym wont swap vs doom/winston or the rein is a statue or the reaper keeps getting denied.

I do get that self improvement is key in my 5000+ matches i see a larger portion of weak, causual, careless skilless players in competitive that really makes the game grindy.

Too many matches lost where your team never stood a chance because almost 50% of the team makeup or more is chompin on doritos texting and smoking weebs or just plain non competitive players entering themselves into a competitive environment.

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My bad. I usually proof read after posting and fix after since my phone text window is so small.

And sometimes the blizzard box glitches and wont let you submit or i fat finger one of those commands so i proof after posting.

I understand what you mean in principle, however no such rule actually exists. Otherwise the maximum win rate you could achieve is 66% assuming you won 100% of your “coin clip” games. But we know this is not true simply by nature of Bronze -> GM streams steamrolling through lower ranks.