ML7 on Bad Teammates


I love that guy, he’s among my favorites with emongg, Kabaji, and Dibz. Crazy how they all say the same things about focusing on improving yourself and not blaming teammates for failure.


So many players are on alt/smurf accounts. They don’t care about winning or even swapping off. Too many failures are because your team. You can be on fire and have all the golds, never die. Won’t matter unless your TEAM helps. This is a TEAM game.


I like people that explain things in depth like he does.


Zen’s team got two picks.
Zen tries to move forward.
Zen get’s Moira’d.
Commentator says “Lawl noob hide behind boxes plat status”


It stopped being a team game when people had to wait 10 minutes to play. People are more entitled and selfish in the community now than ever. Tanks feel they have the right to dictate other people’s picks because they’re doing the chore of tanking. DPS feel they have the right to dictate what other people pick and never swap because they waited in line. Supports have a god complex because no one can fill in for them if they decided you need to die and just not heal you.

  1. On fire doesn’t matter.
  2. Medals really don’t matter.
  3. Not dying is generally good, but it’s also easy to become so timid that you never commit with your teammates or make calculated plays.
  4. Some games you can’t lose, some games you can’t win - the reason everyone says “improve yourself and you’ll climb” is because of the final category - the games where you are the critical deciding factor on whether the game will be a win or a loss.

Yep, it’ll just take 100 matches and a therapist to get where the system should’ve placed you initially.


He’s not wrong. People always complain about everything except themselves. See exhibit A: overwatch competitive discussion forums.


This is an excellent break down and why I dislike the “it was my teams fault” mentality.

People don’t really argue that some games aren’t winnable what they are saying is that you can have a major impact that in the ends contributes to you winning instead of losing.

Play hard and always do the right thing and you will win more games then you lose.


I cant agree here.

But i know when ive lost because i was out played hard.

BuT many times ive racked up a quad kill, then died and the other 5 baboons on my team drop the ball 5 V 2 surrendering the obj to a full enemy team recoup.



If that happens often, it might be an indication that you’re not playing with your team. If it doesn’t happen often, that kinda lends credence to the sentiment “improve yourself and you’ll climb, don’t worry about your teammates.”


You cannot carry a match in diamond, consistently, if youre just a diamond. But you CAN fall to plat because of poor teamates and you CAN rise back to diamond by your own efforts.

Its a team game. Solo dolo only gets you as far as youre worth. Rank tiers will have players falling all the time, taking you with them. Its not always in your control.

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What are you expecting exactly? Of course you can’t carry if you are in the rank you belong. You have to be better than your current rank to carry and rank up.


Watched some of Yeatles stuff latley and it taught me to ignore the mouth breathers on my team. Its crazy how often someone as high ranked as yeatle will get blamed for everthing.

Just do the best you can and hope for the best.


People think they can carry if they are in the rank they belong :rofl:


Yea i know that. Which proves my point. You cant (always) carry in your rank so having poor teammates isnt grounds for “lOoK aT yOUrsElF DoNt bLaMe yOuR TeAm” arguments.


Are you actually going to defend that advance from the Zen player? The most common mistake in the whole game at the moment is probably not using cover. He was walking forward in a situation where an enemy with near spawn could 1v1 him. It was 100% his fault.


Again, what exactly are you expecting? How should the matchmaking / ranking system behave that it does not do now?

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That’s not the point of those arguments. The point is that you can’t control anyone except yourself. You have the ability to improve yourself, you do not have the ability to control your teammates. If you improve yourself, you will climb. If you spend all of your time blaming teammates and whining on the forums, you will either tread water or fall.