Misunderstood heroes

Post what you believe are misunderstood heroes. Heroes that have a certain perception on the forum but from your personal experience is inaccurate.

I’ll start: Hanzo

Many see him on the forums as a jack of all trades hero but with 1-shot potential. A hero that you can go into nearly any situation and perform relatively well with.

In reality I find him to be an incredibly inconsistent hero and how well he performs directly correlates to how well the enemy team works together.

A well coordinated team makes it incredibly difficult for Hanzo to do anything. Hanzo heavily relies on openings and the less of them the enemy team provides, the less impact Hanzo will make.

A lot of the time, it is a safer and a more consistent choice to pick McCree instead, as he will always provide value if you enable him.

Widow. Ever since her health nerf, she lives and dies depending on whether her tanks are good or not. Your tanks can’t make space? She’s gonna be forced to hide the majority of the game.

More of a generalization:

The Damage is technically split into two camps; Duelists who prefer to actively seek out fights (Tracer, Genji, McCree, Ashe, etc.) and–what I like to call–Specialists who prefer having the fight come to them, on/near the objective (Sombra, Torbjorn, Bastion, Symmetra, Mei, etc.).

Same goes for Tanks as well.


Everyone has this idea that Bastion is the boogieman, the scary death from nowhere that does the most damage in the game without warning and through walls, ect…

Whether Bastion lives or dies is dependent on a few things…

  • Can you aim your weapon
  • Is your screen turned on
  • Do you have enough game sense to know which hero you’re playing
  • Are you in a 1v6

As long as you know how to properly answer these questions, you will never ever be killed by a Bastion.

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Yes, she can peel and defend for you. Yes, she can eat ults. Yes, she has 300 armor. Yes, you seriously just walked into call mech and are now dead.

None of these things is what she does best.

Dva is the best 1v1 character in the whole game and is rarely played in a way that capitalizes on that for the risk involved.

A good aggressive, smart Dva can steamroll teams picking them off one by one so long as she has supports focusing her. This is the main problem. If the entire team centered around the Dva in order to best enable and defend her, you’d be unstoppable. Mercy damage boost and speed boost your Dva and watch what can happen when she’s played well.

I suppose you could say the misunderstanding is that she does no damage and therefore you’d be better off pocketing the dps.

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As a McCree main I laugh when people call him a shield buster… :rofl:

I love when people comment on a hero that clearly don’t play said hero. :cowboy_hat_face:

“She’s great” “She’s good now” “She doesn’t need buffs, maybe she even needs nerfs”

Stats for her haven’t changed in almost half a year.

She’s doing pathetically in all ranks, for pickrate and winrate, averaging worst in support category or 2nd worst,in every single rank except masters and GM.

It’s also well-known she has the most deaths out of all supports for a long while now

She is not good for 95% of playerbase. It’s so frustrating for people to read this and go:

“Well I’m personally good on her/I climbed to GM on her so all the hard data doesn’t matter bc I have anecdotal subjective evidence. Checkmate athists~”

“hurr durr you’re just trying to play her like launch brig, that’s why she feels bad to you, yea that’s it”

“Overbuff doesn’t matter bc there’s some people with private profiles, therefore they’re ALL useless (somehow), now excuse me while I make my own topic and use overbuff stats to disprove that hitscan are dominating or that McCree isn’t actually OP guyz”

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Was going to post my own Brigitte one – her unfortunate release state means nobody really knows how to play with her anymore. She’s a great backline protector support currently, but people just run into the enemy team and spam “I need heals” at most ranks so you can’t get any value out of her.

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MERCY: She really is not that hard to deal with if the enemy team actually pays attention to her. In most of my games, even in Diamond, I see people ignoring the enemy Mercy in favour of shooting whoever she is healing/damage-boosting, and even letting her resurrect in the middle of the teamfight.

Lots of players seem to have this “Eh, someone else can deal with it!” mentality, yet they’ll still come to the Forums begging for nerfs. Heroes like Mercy, Lucio, Pharah, Echo, Tracer, and Genji often get ignored because they are harder to kill. If players actually focus them down, they become a lesser threat. :v: :woozy_face:


most people say he is a toxic hero and that players are toxic individuals. i never had a problem with genji players they seem chill to me. just my perspective and opinion, im sure they are out there tho

That can be said about any hero, really

the biggest misunderstood hero is sym.

so many people think that it’s 100% intended that she just sits behind a tank barrier pocket + a team hard enabling her to w+m1 all game like OWL does and somehow think that big teamwide active requirement for uptime is fine in balance.

not to mention somehow think that tp is just for taxiing teammates rather than at least being equally mobility for sym to get herself uptime in her lower effective range (and no I’m not just talking about primary here when mentioning “effective range”).

people are literally ignorant of the fact of how terribly numbered her orbs are. i.e they somehow think those orbs are somehow aimable despite how snail paced slow they are. and no, not even their projectile size doesn’t compensate their speed mathematically speaking

and heck damage value-wise they’re still trash. i.e. they’re objectively bad as a burst fire given how not aimable they are due to poor speeds which also leads to poor effective range. and as spam sustain damage, not only is it highly inconsistent making realistic dps lower, but their theoretical max dps is just plain low regardless: 120/ (1s charge + 0.25s wind down) = 96dps which is lower than a body shotting mercy pistol let alone comparing to dps weapon fires with similar characteristics.

like given all that, objectively it’s plain as hell that

  • sym numerically is poorly balanced,
  • she simply has low sustain, low mobility, low range and low burst for her job to the point where she can’t even get decent uptime for herself unlike various other heroes in the game that haven’t typically had viability problems.

but yet this community’s all “omg she’s FinE. lOoK aT oWL’S usAgE of HeR” and “bUt sHe’S goT utIliTy”.
heck, if absolutely demanding your team to have to pick a certain comp AND to actively play a very specific strat catered to enabling the hero for decent performance is “fine”, then what the hell is the majority of the heroes that don’t have such strict requirements for decent performance?

and heck, utility isn’t a blanket write-off check for hero uptime or just hero balance in general. e.g. replace tracer’s blinks with a single charge jump pad structure ability and replace recall with like an ability that lets her team see through walls, will she do fine? highly unlikely.

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i do think roadhog is misunderstood, he is a tank because of how long his hook is, he just commands space because of that, yet people who say he is just a fat dps want his hook range nerfed…which removes his ability to tank :stuck_out_tongue:

roadhog is tanking because his hook can be scary and people dont want to be within that range