Missing rewards for S3 and S4 competitive

never got my titles… even thought i was diamond in 2 ROLES??? + i didnt get rewards for diamond support


You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Here is a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: End-Of-Season Competitive Rank And Rewards (Seasons 1-4). Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.


supposed to get a plat title, its not unlocked for me…


Placed plat 3 in season didn’t get anything and in season4 i was placed in diamond 5 and they gave me plat 4 rewards


Same here, no rewards even though I got the screen congratulating me on reaching Plat for the previous season.


I am also missing seasonal comp ROLE QUE earned titles.


same issue here, for the past 2 seasons


omg how could this happen to me too?


im missing titles please blizzard give


Same here. I didn’t bother playing season 4 because i didn’t want to risk not receiving my points again and looks like I chose well. Feels bad the waste my time ranking and have the overwatch team ignore this issue completely.


Same, whats the point if we dont receive anything we play all season for? :sob: I hope they fix it.


finished gm in both s3 and s4 but didnt get any competitive points nor titles, this is freaking annoying and frustrating. This whole bug fixing team are just bunch of bums smh.


Same issue here. I also tried reaching out to blizz support but was told that there are not any verified known issues that are being worked on related to missing comp rewards and to post about the bug on the forum. Considering the amount of people affected, you would think the problem would be on their radar by now but this isn’t the first season that there were incorrect or no rewards. It’s an ongoing issue. The only way they will (maybe) do something about it is if enough people complain.


Yep. Same here. Don’t know how we are on to the second season of this bug.


I ended season 4 with diamond in Open Queue, Role Queue with Platinum. I got 1000 comp points which is the reward for diamond. But I got the “Platinum Challenger”.
And when I want to equip this title also “Platinum Challenger” is locked. I can only equip Adept Challenger. No more.
I had already problems in Season 3.

My friend also didn’t know that “season high” is irrelevant now. She only got the diamond challenger although she reached Master 5 during the season.
So demotivating and so many bugs.

It’s such ashame when competitive is buggy since more than one season… instead of getting more money from the users repair your many bugs before. This is a very bad service.
Matchmaking is also very terrible. How is it possible that I’m playing with Master und Grandmaster in Quick Play while I’m Platinum? Nerfs and Buffs are coming TOO late, most of the time at the end of the season.


Same, except I don’t do comp. I’m still waiting on BOTH seasons of credits you earn by PURCHASING A BATTLE PASS.

Not doing that again until I get what I’m owed. Skins are meaningless in the grand scheme of things

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Same I got diamond in season 3 and master in season 4 and got nothing when the seasons ended.

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Same here,ranked for platinum 4 s4 and didnt get the reward for 800 CP, or the player title Platinum Challenger.

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I’m also missing my player titles for my completion of S4 in diamond with 35 games won. I also finished in Plat 3 for tank role queue with 15 games won… I didn’t receive any comp titles whatsoever.

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I didn’t get platinum rewards and got de ranked to gold 1

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