Missing OW1 skins

Missing skins i accumulated in ow1. It’s a lot to count probably like 75% to 90% of all skins from 2016 to 2022. Now i have like 30%-50% of what i had.
Most of the skins i miss is recently released and from event’s. It’s not only skins, cosmetic items in general, all quality’s (legendary, epic, uncommon and common).
They are missing from the very 1st day of OW2


with myself, I lost half of everything! and no response so far…

Im not missing as much as both of you, but I am also missing skins the only one I really care about is the oni skin for Genji, also missing emotes for him

I have the same issues since day one of OW2. I don’t have any of my skins + other cosmetics and stats at all, as if this is the first time im playing. Been playing on PC so I have nothing to merge from console.


Not to mention that they’ve known about this issue for over a month and haven’t done anything to fix it.

Like i can access origin edition skins on my xbox but not my pc after merge , and my noire is nowhere to be seen

yeah im still missing quite a few of mine most notably my noire widowmaker skin

I played ow1 on pc back in 2017. Dropped it then. Now all i have is a clean ow2 account (same battle net acc) with no ow1 stuff i had. All gone. I hope they will fix it, highly doubt it tho

I have said the samething and for some reason non of the links on the forums let me respond till now.

This is ridiculous, this was the only game my little sister played on PS4 as well and tried to link as she was so happy OW2 was coming and she had just got her new PC. She tried linking and lost everything on her PS5 and the game acts like she is new on both PC and PS5 locked characters absolutely no trace of any skins, stats, sprays, any sort of cosmetics, she had to not only play WIN 50 games JUST to go back and play ranked with my and my other brother. I have too made 3 tickets to get the same copy pasted response and just submitted another. Im telling her to reinstiall and change regions and everything right now as she has patiently waited over a MONTH. I feel so bad and gave her my account to play on. AND THEN we cant try to unlink and link the same account maybe there was a problem there… no we have to wait an entire year… insane.

I’ve played since 2017 and I’m considered a brand new player now, not a single of my own skins and I have to manually unlock everyone now despite playing plenty of ow 1, especially with how much harder getting skins is now, it’s pretty darn lame that I was thrown into a completely blank slate with nothing carrying over at all

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