Missing Nano Cola D.Va Skin

I am writing with little hope of getting this resolved… I know this may be a long shot or hard to prove other than a few sprays I have from the particular event… I recently played in a game and noticed someone had the Nano Cola skin for D.Va. Now I vividly remember grinding out this skin back in OW 1 when I was a kid, staying up late and getting in trouble for being on my game for so long. If I recall you only needed a handful of wins for the skin but I wasn’t a very good tank main back in the day… However I digress, I checked just now and I do not have the skin, I have the sprays but I don’t even have the player icon which I DEFINETLY remember using because I used to be such a D.va nerd.

Like I said I know this is a long shot and I know this doesn’t typically happen with the reissuing of skins to people but this is the one skin I remember flaunting when I played back then. Its not like I am claiming to have the Noir widow skin which would’ve been an awesome gem to have gotten but I was just a kid when OW1 went up for preorder so I wasn’t able to acquire that one. All I really care about it getting the Nano Cola D.Va skin back. I know I am only having the feeling of missing it because I only just realized I do not have it anymore. And to be quite honest I am not much of a D.Va main anymore. At this point I wouldn’t even mind deducting the 1900 OW Coins that typical skins cost to get this back. Although this is not a case of me not earning it and wanted a chance to get it because if that was the case I would be asking for every skin in the book I have missed (the noir widow skin in particular). I just would like some kind of answer that doesn’t sound auto generated or read of a script.