Missing golden gun after oct 25 update

I logged in today after the recent update on oct 25th after a while of playing I saw that my junker queen golden gun was relocked for 3000 comp points when I already bought it once two weeks agos nor was I even refunded the 3000 comp points after it was relocked. I was hoping to have this fixed since I rather not pay the 3000 comp points again.


im having same issue

It happened firstly on Oct 18th for the players who had unlocked their new heroes golden gun on Launch Day, and at that time few people reported this. Until now more people got this problem and blizzard still do nothing even know nothing about this bug. What a Satire.

Did you buy anything from the shop today?

Just logged inn and see Im missing my kiriko golden weapon as well

same, how do I resolve this?

Same here I need this resolved because It takes so long to get enough comp points and I was so happy I finally got junked queens golden gun but now it’s gone from my account but I have evidence that it’s been in my account

Same for me, missing both Sojourn and Junker Queen’s gold gun

Most people seem to be.

They’ve so far refused to even acknowledge it so keep posting and make sure any and all topics related to it stay visible until they do.

i bought the kiriko witch bundle and it took my golden gun for her away too :confused:


We can do this all day.