Missing cosmetics/store purchase

Ahahahaha! I’ll get right on that :rofl: :money_mouth_face:

Imagine thinking people are being babies for trying to avoid hundreds of people’s hours of in-game progress being erased.

If you value your time that little, why are you acting like you’re terminally online.


Yup my banshee moira and barbossa torb are gone, mainly the ones I care about. So weird since most of my other skins are there but the few I do care about are gone

I’m having a similar issue. Missing almost all of my cosmetics including OWL skins. Hoping something can be done about it soon!

Also missing my stuff: just chiming in. Glad it’s a bug at least-- thought I was getting jipped somehow.

Same here, missing all of my legendary skins from events, a couple of emotes and sprays, and even my All-stars Mercy skin is gone. :melting_face:

I Also lost randoms skins, Legends from Rein etc.
Please fix thix…

I haven’t looked around much to see if there’s anything missing (as far as I could gather most of my stuff was transferred), with the one glaring omission being Genji’s Happi OWL skin: I distinctively remember buying it in OW1, but in OW2 I don’t have it.

I’m really happy to see there are so many others affected, I was devastated to see some of my favourite skins missing that I had. Hope to have them back soon ;-; I’ve put so much time and money into Overwatch.


for me i dont have anything bc of the merge at all i dont even know if my acc is out there i had so much on it

I lost my favorite skins… I play Reaper, Junkrat, and Cassidy and I have lost the Riverboat skin for Cassidy, the Dr. Junkenstein and Jester for Junkrat, and the Nevermore skin for Reaper. I hope I get these back soon.

I’ve lost all of my itens too, I was so heart broken because I had almost all Dva cosmetics, I put so much effort trying to get my golden weapon, I hope they fix it soon, of course I can play without the skins, but I cried a lot thinking about my hard work disappearing

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Same here, missing skins and the like.

Yea, I remember waiting months so I could buy the Dr.Junkenstein skin and now I lost it. I neeeeeeeeeeeed it lol

Lost me legends and epics for Cassidy, Junkrat, and Reaper…

missing all my legendary. fix this Pepega

Same here, come on blizz, i want my dva skins back, my golden weapons…

Same here. A lot of skins and other cosmetics missing, also que game coins are missing.
Great launch, blizzard /s

Same lost all of the hard hours I put in over several years gaming on PS4. So sad to see it happen hopefully it will be corrected. Numerous golden guns and countless dollars spent getting the certain skins. Very sad day for the Overwatch community

Im missing a lot of my skins as well. Its strange, because I have random skins that I used to own. I would say that I now own about 2% of what I originally owned on OW1. I would log back into OW1 to confirm what I am missing, but thats now impossible…so I’m not sure what, if anything, you need from the community to help fix this. Hopefully this gets resolved soon. Good luck devs.