Missing cosmetics/store purchase

I originally thought my account was wiped since my progress wasn’t on console, I’m assuming progress didn’t merge automatically as I only had my pc stats on console. I went on my pc and merged my console account to my pc and everything is back on my acc now. Now all I’m still missing is my starter and watchpoint packs I paid for, but I still can’t get into console servers to verify these are still missing.

Been a player since Day 1 on console, put in alot of hours, i had moved on from the game after awhile, but i had alot of skins and cosmetics, and now it just a blank account with just the founder edition skins. I had linked my console and pc account, and it shows up on my connections in my account settings.


I’ve lost everything I had on Xbox now I just have my pc stuff which is like 3 skins. All my golden weapons and skins are gone


Same here, I lost all my skins, all characters are locked, everything is gone.

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My account was created and has only been on Xbox however is linked to my pc account i didn’t get ow 1 because ow 2 was coming out so I didn’t want to waste my money will all my items still be transferred when this is fixed?

Same, im missing all of my cosmetics. Hope this gets resolved soon :pray:

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I’m in the same boat. Wanting to add my name to the wall for proof.

It entirely reset my account I have the same battle net stuff same account and everything but I dont have anything from ow1


missing majority of my items as well

having the same issue as seemingly everyone else, every single icon and skin and golden gun that would’ve been there from merging my pc and xbox account are completely gone and i’m basically a fresh account


Same here, it’s didn’t transfer any of my cosmetics as if I’m a fresh player and I’ve had a blizzard account since Overwatch 1 has been out.

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I’m missing my noire widowmaker skin. I merged my ps4 and pc account and got everything, but the widowmaker skin. I don’t know if it is intentional or not, but i still have the skin on my ps4, just not on pc (which is the platform i’m playing on

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same thing happened to me i made a battlenet on my ps4 when i logged into overwatch 2 and lost skins from launch including the widowmaker noire skin and the olympics skins from the early days

I am having the same problem I lost ALL of my skins and other things I have had the game for a long time now. Its saying that I am a brand new player which is making me sad cause I had HOURS on ow1

Alot of my skins and stuff didnt switch over im on ps4 and have had it link but nothing got brought over some my skins say i can buy em back but they are locked >~< if ya can please fix this

I have had OW1 since I pre-Ordered it and all the OW1 Heroes are locked and all my Skins I had aren’t showing up as well as all the account Emblms I miss my StarCraft ones. The only skins I see unlocked are Widowmaker’s Noire skin and Bastion’s Overgrowth skin I had a lot of Mercy skins unlocked since she was my main they are all locked I wanna use my Sigurun skin. I only played on PS4.

This is what I understand: For anyone in this thread that is still confused, your accounts do not automatically merge upon opening the game for the first time, instead it will log you in with your pc account (if you had one). You will have to click the merge button located below the challenges tab, if this tab doesn’t show up on your console you will either have to merge from a pc or wait for the hotfixes that are coming soon.

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I didn’t get the widowmaker’s noire skin from my ps4 account to my pc account and I merged my accounts correctly but I did get everything else

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Same here, I only got my origins edition skins. Everything else that I paid for in overwatch one is gone.


I am also missing all of my stuff. All I have in my Hero tab is the origins stuff…But I had alot more skins than just those. My accounts were merged a long time ago and all info is correct.