Missing 50% of Community Challenges: 11/22 Not Rewarded

Continuing from Overwatch League & Twitch Rewards Guide - Alert: Bonus Sprays from OWL Finals not dropped yet:

What are Blizzard going to do about the following issue?

11/22 of the Community Challenge rewards are now expired, including both of the Grand Finals challenges.

That’s fully half of the Community Challenge rewards that no-one will receive simply because Blizzard set absurd and unreasonable goals.

I would suggest rewarding everyone who qualified for the challenges with the appropriate emote rewards.
(ie: If you earned your checkmark for that challenge, you get the emotes.)

It is utterly ridiculous for all of those rewards to be denied to paying and active viewers simply because Blizzard miscalibrated the targets.
That nothing was learned over the course of the season, to the point that both Grand Finals emotes fell victim to this issue, is shameful.

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