Mirrorwatch Sombra is super fun

For a long time I have been intrigued by the idea of reworking Sombra into a support hero, and this new version of her we got with the mirrorwatch event feels like the closest thing we’ll ever get to that, and I have been having an absolute blast playing it. Buffing my teammates attack speed and giving them a burst of overhealth in a tight situation feels so satisfying. Of course it’s impossible to say whether she’d actually work as a support in the actual game with this kit, given that the hero pool in the event is so small, but I think that with some tweaks it definitely could. That isn’t to say that I think they should rework Sombra, I enjoy her as is, and she has been my go-to dps hero for a pretty long while now, but I just find this new version of her super fun, and I’m pretty bummed that I won’t get to play it anymore after the event is over. At the very least I think it’d be cool if they let us play this version of her (and other versions of all the other heroes that have received reworks) in the workshop after the event is over.

I’d like to hear your thoughts on this new version of Sombra. What do you like about it, and what do you dislike about it? And additionally, what do you think of the idea of reworking Sombra into a support hero? Do you think it could work, and/or is it something you actually want?

Looking forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts.
Thanks for stopping by, and have a lovely day y’all :blue_heart:


I’ve always believed it’s one path that would solve all her issues without destroying her core in the process and I think Mirrorwatch thoroughly proves that.

If they were doing it for real, I do think they’d have to tweak/revert Hack to be more lenient, there’s no need for an ally Hack to be breaking all the time. I’d also say they’d need to either get a HoT on Hack, give her gun some healing, or do a pretty major rework to her health packs. Overhealth alone is never going to fully fill a Support slot, not without getting into really oppressive territory.

In the unlikely scenario that they ever went that route, I’d also hope to at least keep the brief silence on EMP.


They’ve been struggling to find a place in the dps rooster for sombra that she has the most reworks so far in the game. Make her a support, a full utility support like Symetra back in the day.


Sombra’s change for this mode is the only one I think could legitimately work as a hero design. The others are fun but either overpowered or unrealistic. I think Sombra should keep her offensive identity, but maybe a new hero could take some parts of her design from this mode.


Don’t kill Sombra :frowning_face:


I’d be happy with the devs taking the spirit of MW Sombra, adding a source of healing, and then making that Space Ranger. Without that source of healing, though, I don’t think MW Sombra would cut it as a support.

It wouldn’t even have to be anything active. They could give her a Lucio type healing aura. Make it do bonus healing on a tank as opposed to a support or DPS. Boom, done.

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I thought Sombra healed herself with Translocator in OW1? :thinking:

Sadly, no. She just gains I-Frame (self-cleanse) when using translocator.

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I think, for Sombra, it’s probably too far from what the devs want her to be for a proper commited role rework for her in particular, but the kit itself would honestly fit Symmetra perfectly, with thematic changes, as its exactly what Symmetra 2.0 was going for, but better executed.

Sombra as she is now is honestly fine - She’s powerful, but not oppressive, and the devs seem to want to keep Sombra a hero who focuses on offensive utility. But Sym’s always been about defensive utility, so taking what’s good about Sombra’s Mirrorwatch rework and adapting it for Symmetra would probably be the only way I can see them keeping it.

I’ve also seen some people responding and going on about, if it was to be given to Sombra or another hero, to give Hack or whatever its equivalent would be some healing - No, is my answer to that. Supports do not need to all have healing abilities to be functional and viable Supports. They would just need to have utility good enough to replace it, and providing Additional Health, Attack Speed, Damage Reductions and Damage Mitigations (something this kit doesn’t have, but could make great use of) would more than be able to support the lack of a healing ability. We need to move away from healing being on every Support in the game - Lifeweaver is a perfect example of this. If they stopped buffing Healing Blossom and buffed his utility to provide stronger and overall more useful effects, he’d be in a much stronger spot. But instead, they take the first utility oriented Support since Symmetra and try and force him into a healing role. That is how bad healing is in the game, at this point. Symmetra didn’t work back in the day because she was the only Utility Support we ever got. Every Support post launch was a healer, until it got to the point that Symmetra was redundant in the role.

So just take this kit, and either give a thematically appropriate version to Symmetra or a new Support hero. Hell, give it to Space Ranger. Because while it fits Mirrorwatch Sombra, I don’t think it’d fit Canon Sombra.

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it would be cool but everyone forgets about doomfist and hammond. without sombra in their way they will dominate and for sure get nerfs eventually. i think lol…

i would love it for my other main, widow… no more sombra pest heh

still i like how it is now getting use to it


Infinitely agreed. If nothing else, I hope these changes as a whole act as teasers for upcoming/potential hero designs/abilities. Obviously some are a little too strong (and some a little too pointless…), but I logged into the mode and I genuinely think this Support-type Sombra is some of the most fun I’ve had in the game since free-flight Sigma.

I’ve always been in favor of a Support Sombra type rework, and this is better than what I could’ve imagined.

Also agreed with this. So many fun things gone to waste for FOMO…


I’d prefer my favorite hero the way they are, ty. A support hanzo would be more feasible.

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I will tell it with all due respect:

Sombra is one of the unhealthiest heroes in the game and needs another rework. She sucks.

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The only reason Sombra’s gimmick of going invisible and teleporting works is because she has to put herself in danger by going behind enemy lines.

If she would be hanging out behind her own team as a support, you’d never find her since their main objective would be to survive while healing allies. Even if you get lucky and locate them, she would just teleport away.


As a support player and a Sombra main on DPS, this is the issue. Yes, support Sombra is really cool, but it works against her fantasy as an invisible sneaky saboteur that exploits weaknesses in enemy comps. Her utility is REALLY cool and fun to play with but would never work without a full rework of the rest of her kit like Translocator and Invis.

Instead we should be asking for these ideas to be used on future heroes. Right now, I don’t think another Sombra rework is on the table.


im having so much fun with Support Sombra and hope if nothing else her Hack teammates heal ability makes it into the main game
also having her give 50 overhealth or shields would fit her kit as well.

loving Support Sombra, and i can see her having a heal(boost) in lore.
just look at how she talks to certain characters such as Sigma, she isnt unfeeling.


It’s not a good Sombra iteration because she’s not efficient at killing Mercy which is what this game currently needs.

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I think this would be better. Then it won’t feel like you NEED a Sombra to shut down those heroes, and the doom and ball players don’t have to play like complete rats just because there’s a Sombra (though other heroes are still problematic). Win win for everyone I feel

I love Mirror Sombra. I end up having low damage on scoreboard, but I have lots of fun being behind my team hacking them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It’s funny you say that because symm 1.0 had this exact ability (without the attack speed increase) but it was 50 shield instead of 75 overhealth and it was permanent until your ally died

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