Mirrorwatch Mercy is overtuned

Okay let’s be honest, the radius on that soul bomb explosion is way too big, the damage it does is way too much (instantly deletes squishies like Tracer, not even a Junkrat bomb does that!), and her ult is better than most DPS heroes, not just because she can quickly fly in all directions for an eternity raining bombs from the sky but because of the insane health regen she has that makes it crazy difficult to kill her for the mostly non-hitscan hero roster available in the mode, Pharah would be jealous to have an ult like that.

I mean is this just to push sales of the mythic skin? It’s just silly.

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well the mode is suppose to be silly but yea imagine if they changed mercy for real this way. would be fun lol… mercy’s pickrate would skyrocket and she would be the most picked hero probably

oh a new iceman barry evil mercy vid…

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I’m just happy she can get a POTG now!

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No, this is a temporary game mode.
And you can’t choose what skins you use.

If they give Mercy Pharah’s rockets in the real parts of the game, then you can panic.
If it’s that annoying, just ignore the mode for the 3 weeks or so it’ll be around.

Her ult lasts way too long, but other than that I find her rather funny to play

I killed soo many Tracers and Sombras with the soul thing, it just made me laugh after I saw that it killed one of them :sob:

I do hope they change her in some way because a lot of Mercy players are finding her to be very fun in this mode. I personally wouldn’t mind some of these changes if they were implemented into the live game and adjusted accordingly.

Be glad that the classic Mythic Skin Buffs, that heroes usually get when they get a skin, are only in this mode and not in the regular game.

Yes, it’s a silly unbalanced event mode.

It’s just weird how many people are asking for her mirror version to be added to the regular game. We already rode this ride with Moth Mercy, we should know that a design that’s fun because it’s broken is going to shed most of that enjoyment when the balance team starts having to gut it.

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Yeah it’s funny for a bit but her being so comparatively strong gets tiring pretty quick while you’re trying to get some challenges done.

Yeah that’s what gets me, I understand she’s a ton of fun this way for a lot of Mercy mains but she’s broken, can’t wrap my mind around how people are saying she’s “perfect” when she’s clearly OP.

The whole point of it is to show who cool the skin and the PoTG intro are.

That’s what I was thinking like an advertisement or smth, with Mercy getting so many PotGs nobody can help but see the new skin.

yeah let’s rework Mercy and make her massively OP so everyone hates her and she gets 40 nerfs in a row with no compensation! That’s never happened before!

I don’t disagree that she is OP in the mode. However by the time a patch shows up it’ll be removed from the game anyways. So it is what it is.

I think most of my mirrorwatch games have been decided by who has the better mercy who ults more often.

It’s just insanity and people still ignore her even as death is raining down on their team.

But hey, I played her a couple times and yeah… it IS fun…

Well, the theme of the game mode is that it’s an alternate universe, and what better way to get that effect than by seeing Mercy PotG after Mercy PotG!

They did a good job with Mirrorwatch and I hope it comes back again next year as an event, hopefully with a few new additions to the MW cast.

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