Mirrorwatch feelings

You realize that the game has been dead for about 6+ months right?

Brig pack was instant, hack has a lengthy cast time to apply to a teammate. Brig pack wasnt cancellable by taking 1 dmg unlike hack is. pack could go through walls and shields unlike hack which gets broken with los. Pack gave armor which is better than overhealth. Theyre Not even comparable abilities lol

Old Brig pack was better in literally every feasible way

Even symm’s old shield ability was a better ability than sombras hack in this mode

Sombra gets the ability to overheal someone 75hp every 5 seconds. That is an average 15hps, that’s half of zen’s orb. But its actually even less than 15hps because you dont have 100% uptime on it. You constantly get dmged out of the cast or the person you are trying to hack dies or moves out of los. So you end up doing something around 5hps on average. Its trash. Her dmg is trash. Her ult is trash

Everything about mirrorwatch sombra is inferior to normal sombra.