too late…
We are waiting for 6v6 comp already for years and you still ask players to wait more while MR is burying your game deeper every day.
im sure you wont even balance it, just throw the same unbalanced mess that 6v6 qp was and then tell us we didn’t play it.
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I bet they will give us boosted comp points for participating to promote “Out of this World” weaponry.
“how would you balance it?”
“bringing back ow1”
"and the new heroes?
“and new maps?”
“okay. Ow classic”
that’s how it went, right?
If they actually want to see how much interest there really is in 6v6 (hopefully that means 2/2/2 Role Q and not some other nonsense), then why don’t they re-release it simultaneously with the new 5v5 season?
Also what is going to happen in the meantime?
I do not intend to go back to 5v5 again, so I hope we get a QP version of 2/2/2 Role Q until then?
Truth is there is no “balanced” version of 6v6 that will make players flock to it. Players will create fantasies about copy pasting the end of OW1 or October 2020. As if people weren’t complaining about balance back then too.
Sure, but there is a balanced version of it that includes more than just a few number tweaks to tank health, and reverting roadhog into a state that is actually broken, then calling it a day.
They made absolutely zero effort to really balance anything or rework new heroes whose designs are clearly designed for 5v5. And I understand thats a lot of work, but if you dont do that work then obviously it’s not going to be up to spec for anyone other than those who just truly hate 5v5 with a passion.
There are always people complaining, but balance was actually comparably good at that time.
Though that was most probably at least partly due to the lack of new heroes.
I would really love to see them revert most of the changes made for 5v5, but knowing Blizzard they are first going to try 12 different way more complicated things, since they believe that reverse gear is for losers or some nonsense like that.
This game still has e-sports?
I thought they shut all of that down? 
The 2-2-2 test was a good start, though poorly balanced. Hoping they’ll do some more work on it to attract more players.
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I mean, they wrote that 6v6 was only 10% of the total playtime with 5v5 qp being 35-40%. So I’m not surprised its barely getting anything. Now I’m just reflecting on everyone that said or exaggerated 6v6’s success as something that everyone loved because the numbers don’t suggest that at all.
Competitive would be a different story. I love 6 vs 6 but rarely played because it was on QP where there are no incentives because no one takes it seriously.
Unlike comp where players are playing out of their lives.
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