Mike Ybarra liked a post about why PvE was canceled

I just found this interesting.


I think Neuss more or less said it was the ‘too difficult’ thing but that doesn’t really track imo. If it was too hard, it makes way more sense to just release the skill tree and talents piecemeal, not to scrap it all entirely.

Monetization doesn’t really make much sense either as there are plenty of successful PvE games, but i wouldn’t be surprised at all if some C-level “”“person”“” saw Fortnite and Apex making money hand over fist while abandoning their PvE counterparts and decided they want that instead of “only” Deep Rock/Warframe/Left4Dead/Borderlands etc level success.

I find it odd they don’t mention mismanagement since ActiBlizz management has been a nonstop comedy of errors for the past 5 years, but they’re a blue check so gargling corporate boot is probably second nature.


I’m not so sure that would’ve been a popular choice. They could’ve done it, but I think it would’ve been met with resistance. Not to mention, if they don’t release them quickly enough, a new hero might wait 2 years before they get into the PvE mode.

If they did Ybarra might not have liked it… lol. It’s been the worst handled IP I have ever seen.

theyre cowards and dont like to work on projects. They would rather make sure they get their bonus checks instead of doing what blizzard did from the beginning and make games for the players. blizzard never cared about corporate interest and pushing a corporate agenda, they cared about making good games and that was what Overwatch was. Overwatch but with a 2 this time is just a corporate game that these devs are going along with because they want their bonus check instead of their soul.

Of course management is going to blame Kaplan for it. They sure don’t want to take responsibility for it. The question is though, if they stopped doing PvE, what the hell did they do for 3 years while they had OW1 on life support? What is there to show for those years of nothing?

It could easily have everything to do with their early release, but of course we will never know the true answer unless those in places of power decide transparency is more important than their paycheck.