Midseason patch is so obvious

i was thinking about it and to me it feels kinda obvious that this patch was meant to obviously target certain meta heroes, but also to just buff dive completely so widow can be countered more easily. widowmaker without a doubt has been VERY strong and maybe even dominating since her biggest counter, sombra, got a rework that lowered her actual ability to flank widows and kill them 90% (not literally) of the time.

why is it so HARD for them to nerf widow properly? when widow is too strong, the game automatically becomes unfun because nobody likes having to seek cover or else they’ll be instantly killed by a widow. sure the hitscan size on her scope got nerfed, that was a good nerf, but it wasn’t enough. all it does is make bad widows even worse while good widows would retrain their muscle memory almost instantly.



Well, they did nerf widow. At least in my games from diamond to low masters her smaller hitbox on scoped shots has made her not just less common but also not as threatening

widow is fine. Cheaters who play widow and stomp everyone - not.

Sombra should be reworked back to her previous state so widow could be kept in check.

Because Widow is bad

Widow is good at the top, everywhere else she’s bad. And unlike Sombra, she’s not being used in a disruptive way either.

She just needs to be dumpstered or reworked. It’ll never feel good to die to a one-shot. Even the presence of it drastically alters how you have to play in a match, because even misses have value when the potential to be one-shot is there.

I don’t think they’re buffing dive heroes to nerf her, though. I think they’re buffing them to put pressure on Sojourn better since she’s the one dominating.

If this were true I’d expect Genji buffs since he can counter her more easily than tracer can. But then again it’s hard to truly know what they’re thinking when it comes to balance lol.


It seems that you have a pathological issue with Widow.Anything done to the game according to you would be related to Widow.
You need to see a doctor.

The game is best when Dive is meta. However, they are not catering to dive, Tracer was in a bad spot before the buffs, Winston was being eclipsed by Hazard, echo was struggling to get value, the buffs were well warranted.

Widow is a high skill ceiling character, which should always be lethal in the right hands. She punishes players with poor mechanics and game sense. Get good.