Mics = Competitive Requirement. No excuses

Yes, this. Plus you can’t make people use the mic, even if you require them to have it. I would settle for everyone on my team to be put in voice chat by default at the start of the game; if they wish to leave it afterwards, well it’s up to them. In fact, I’ve been asking for it for years to no avail. The closest to it that Blizzard was willing to do is put a large “join team chat” button on the hero select screen.


Anyone under GM wouldn’t use mics correctly anyway so there is no point to making it a requirement. I play around high plat - mid diamond and I always turn team chat off as no one says anything relevant.


I’ll give you example of how I was treated when I joined VC.
I was playing 3 different heroes according to the team’s need. No toxic nothing.

At the start of the match, our Rein asked me to join vc. I didn’t.

For next 16 minutes, I had the most painful experience I ever had in the entire game.

Every time I died (I died 7 times I think in total), Rein would lose his mind. Every time he died, same.
It wasn’t great because: I lost focus in crucial moments. My fault for doing that. Do you know when we lost? 4th round when I had enough and decided to go completely inactive for 2.5 minutes.

Not worth my time to care with toxic people. Not my first time when some trashcan would assume they are giving proper callouts.

These days I don’t get mad or anything anymore. Do you know why?

I turned off the text chat as well.

More often than not I see people people who demand others to join vc are toxic.



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I managed to get to diamond without ever using voice chat, so trust me that is not your issue. While I understand that using comms is the better way to play the game, the truth is that up until diamond perhaps even masters, comms barely make any difference because people don’t really use them in any useful way or simply don’t have the interest or game sense to use them appropiately.


I’ve been saying this for a while now.

Communication is a key component of teamwork, and teamwork is required to win in Overwatch.

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They can still join team chat and listen to call outs and team strategies.

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OP played 5 games without comms from teammates, I think he’ll take those odds in a heartbeat.

you dont need vc

I climbed a lot without it

But that’s not good enough for some people. Which is why I ask. :thinking: It often sounds like those who don’t or can’t talk should just be banned from playing comp with how things are worded. lol

I’ve said it before and I will strongly recommend it again;

Put on your mic. Mute all other players. Proceed to shot call and make running commentary the entire match. See? I am using VC.


vc is overrated in lower ranks

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Players like you are just detrimental to the game as a whole.

I’m not hanging around to hear some tilted edgelord insult my race or sexuality over an internet game.


Damn 1500 on support and 1700 on tank the reason you are silver has nothing got to do with people not using the mic.

The reason you silver is because you are terrible you bad at overwatch just like everyone else who isnt a pro the fact that you looking for a excuse as to why you not climbing that’s the soul reason why you stuck. I have got out of silver plenty of times it’s incredibly easy. I went from silver to plat on a hero that’s considered bad by the community.

You the reason you silver not your team.
And with this attitude you got I get everyone is in voice chat but they mute you due to how rude and disrespectful you are


The OP of this post is asking for a mic to be required. Not asking for people to be required to join voice chat. Therefore, they’re essentially asking people to not be allowed to play Competitive if they can’t speak or won’t talk. That’s a much worse request.

Also, I don’t want people to be required to stay around and hear toxicity. I myself will always join voice chat, but some people aren’t like me and can’t handle the toxicity. And no, muting isn’t the perfect solution; you have to hear the toxicity in the first place to know you have to mute them.

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Mic… In silver… that’s a troll.
OP, use LFG (find a group) and you’ll get 90% of win-rate. ez


FYI LFG is not utilised on consoles.

Some people speak English badly, have an unpleasant or weird voice, concentrate better when not talking, etc.

Not everybody who plays Overwatch is OWL material, but for most of us that’s fine. Sorry the millions of us are not good enough for you.


I am also one of the reasons toxic players have one less person to yell at. A worthy trade off IMHO.

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