MICROSOFT: Do NOT let Overwatch 2 overwrite Overwatch

By your logic, every single sequel is not a new game.

I go over the reasons that it should be kept separate in this post as well:

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Terrific, realize the MS has nothing to do with this game. Or it’s development till some point mid next year. Even then it will still be the same devs working on OW. Like this game isn’t suddenly going to be managed by the halo dev team or anything like.

New games dont replace old ones. Updated do. Simple.

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There’s a lot of strong opinions here from people who haven’t even played the game. Why don’t you chill out a bit and stop pretending its the end of the world.

legal deterrents aside, there is nothing stopping you from making your own OW classic (imo)

overwatch 2 is just a batch update of all the stuff we didnt get in the past years + pve dlc

Yes. Completely changing every hero’s abilities, new graphics, changing a 12 player game to a 10 player game, removing a game type entirely, adding a new game type, a completely new PvE mode is an “update.” I guess the…lore?..stays the same so it’s not a new game? Genius logic.

who tf says that this is “the game we love”
This game has been a dead deceased corpse for 2 years, and the most fun its ever been was the last content creator experimental which weve had what, 2 of? 3? Over 2 years we get no new maps, no new heroes, and when they finally do add heroes and maps we wish they would stop.

This game is trash and I along with any others still are only here because literally NOTHING gives the same gameplay experience as Overwatch. It is a wholly unique game that had promise when it was new and shiny, that got dropped on its head 30 times as a kid by an alcoholic dev team too busy groping their workers and drinking to work.

And if you think Ovw2 PvP design is for “an entirely different target audience” you shouldnt be talking about target audiences because your eye sight is so off you cant get in the same hemisphere as a “target”

Wasn’t applied to you.

“I ignored your message because you dont think what I think, this discussion just wasnt made for you”

Do you know the definition of a discussion? Why its had? Because two parties disagree and are here to either berate the other side for being wrong, or to convince the other side, you can decide which is more common

If you ignore me you outright accept you wanted an echo chamber

No matter how much I dunk on this game, I adore it. You dont put over 2k hours into something and reach the top 1% because its an awful game. But anyone who thinks Overwatch’s current state is valuable enough to divide an already dwindling/stagnant player base where 9 minute queues for plat elo is common, is such a “casual” fan that just plays to play. And theres nothing wrong with being that type of fan, but when you objectively attempt to stunt the growth and life of your favorite game, its called being selfish, and throwing a childs tantrum when major change happens.

Someone mentioned that WoW classic shows this is possible, but in order for that to happen you NEED to have an absurdly high playerbase like WoW, and the games NEED to be significantly different from one another. Ovw1 and 2 will be incredibly different, but I dont think anyone thinks it will be different enough with 3-4 years of actual updates, unlike wow classic which is based on a patch from TWO THOUSAND AND SIX, 13 years of patches

Maybe English isn’t your first language, but “we” and “everyone” are non synonymous. Since you opened your post by attempting to refute something that didn’t apply to you, there was no point in continuing. Just like this one.

Nah reread my edit and stop taking something as pliable as literal language so seriously like you have ground. Want me to apologize for being rude? Sure. Im sorry. But being like how youre being wont get your IQ out of room temp numbers

Sure you can leave the client, but there won’t be any server to support it. That makes sense…

Considering that everything we’ve seen so far is kind of a big mess I don’t think nuking the remains of this player base is a good idea either.

SRT. No thanks.

I still think they should go ahead with that earlier arcade mode they were trying. “Classic OW”. It could work really well for OW2.

Microsoft hasnt taken over blizzard yet

No, it is NOT. This is less than an expansion pack. All the heroes, maps, modes, reworks, 5v5, UI are gonna be free for everyone who doesn’t pick up the “2”, you essentially just buying the story mode. Even the beta requires you to have “OW1”. Microsoft has nothing to do with it, it was decided ages before they revealed it.

As did the removal of hero stacking or role queue and those didn’t get a whole new game client on the launcher or anything.

How do you figure that?

There’s nothing to “overrule” here. It’s set in stone that “OW2” is just gonna jump onto “OW1” same way any WoW expansion ever, plain adn simple.

nothing is confirmed tell the game is released, you clearly have never seen a blizzcon, they promise tons of stuff all the time