Microsoft can buy Blizzard, by US Federal Judge

  • The New York Stock exchange stock ticker for ActivisionBlizzard ATVI is going to be removed on Monday
  • Microsoft has $110 Billion dollars sitting in an escrow holding company, ready to complete the purchase
  • And all they need to do is sort things out with the UK, which should be happening first thing Monday morning
    • Likely to be resolved by Microsoft selling-off Cloud Gaming rights in UK
  • Lastly in 8 and a half hours. One second after midnight Pacific Time tonight, Microsoft can buy Blizzard

Sounds good but I still have my concerns… and what about the UK?

I was thinking it would be funny if they divest Blizzard but that seems unlikely…

Or they might just drop the UK version of xCloud…

All in all it’s a sad day for Mac gamers and (native) Mac gaming…

:sob: :+1:

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And so I switch from praying that blizz stops messing things up to praying that Microsoft doesn’t mess things up….



wonder if that means we will get a halo skin for rein or pharah someday

Shouldn’t be that much of a problem

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Is Microsoft still pretending that cloud gaming is a “feature” and not an actual market or market segment?

As if that argument hasn’t been outright refuted by basic logic and understanding of how tech works?


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Anything to get Bobby out.


Well, Halo seems to be improving a lot.

Step 1. Sucked in a familiar way. They got rid of their PVE staff. But then hired on like +50 more PVP staff.
Step 2. They are juicing up the Halo game modes, and adding a bunch of sometimes fanmade remakes of old maps at a rapid pace.
Step 3. And now they are adding ALL legacy Halo content, including unreleased content to workshop/forge modders

Seems like every other day I heard small, but healthy Halo stuff from these guys:

Seems like they fixed most the major problems with the game, and have a healthy content update schedule.

And now they just probably need an engine upgrade, and some marketing hype.

Oh and while Microsoft might not be able to put NEW Call of Duty on Game Pass.

They coincidentally, just fixed the matchmaking all the older Call of Duty games, all the way back to the 360 era

i bet microsoft is illegally paying off judges i bet a audit of microsoft and judges involved will find illegal transactions by microsoft which should result in severe fines and the judges arrested, assets seized and disbarred ontop of prison time


Even if they’re not doing it directly they almost certainly are doing it indirectly because the judge has a son working on Microsoft and they can promote him…

Like how did the judge even get the case?

How is that not a clear conflict of interest and downright illegal?

:index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :point_up:

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hm maybe that should change as well ontop of all the stuff microsoft is forced to fire the judges son

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If we ignore Microsoft.

Every other Cloud Gaming service is a Hardware-Only service.

I mean FTC chose the judge and microsoft wanted another one. Btw the judge asked if there was a problem with her son working at microsoft, and guess what? FTC said no problems lol

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Yeah that was dumb of the FTC but maybe they had no choice because they ran out of time or something and they had to have some judge pick up the case IDK…

The judge had a clear lack of technical understanding and that’s apparent throughout her judgment report as well…


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Even if the judge used the FTC’s math, a 5.5% marketshare shift would still be pro-competitive.

What the FTC didn’t have on the side, was “Facts”.

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FTC’s arguments were weak anyway… even the judge had to remind the FTC that their job is to protect the consumer, not Sony.


:money_mouth_face: and not a single cent is going to go to any of these overpriced skins.

Well this was interesting:

1983: Brian Fargo starts company thanks to deal with Activision
1991: Allen Adham starts what would become Blizzard thanks to deal with Fargo
2002: Fargo starts inXile, later makes deal with Bethesda
2003: Fargo’s former staff start Obsidian
2023: Microsoft owns all the above


I have some 30k in activision/blizz stock expecting this to pan out the way it did. Lets go I can buy Lifeguard Mercy now.


I think that this is a huge mistake, not for Microsoft but for us. Microsoft is going to do really well with this. But I do think gaming has become too consolidated already. I don’t think it’s great that studios continue to merge like this.