Micro Missiles are weighing D.VA down from becoming a good tank again

Edit: Updated to be more modern in terms of whats going on now.

Ever since D.VA got micro missiles, other parts of her kit have taken a hit, for the worse. Armor? Gutted. Matrix gutted how many times now? Boop damage from thrusters gutted. Even missiles got nerfed, but its still a ridiculous melt ability along with her cannons.

And on top of all that, shes hit by the global armor nerf as well.

All of these changes have made her more of a glass cannon than a tank, all to accommodate for missiles.

The only way her fragile mech can survive and dish out damage was in GOATs comps, the only reason why she was being run in there. And now with 2/2/2 being a thing, where does D.VA even fall under all this? inb4"i-its not her meta!11!"

And now that shes nerfed, Bunker is more powerful, and now bunker heroes will needlessly get nerfed in this bad balance cycle, I’m calling it now. Orisa already got a secomd shaved off her shield, and Sigma is already getting nerfs.

Gut missiles, make her weaker in GOATs as a result (2/2/2 lol), revert the nonsense to her kit (matrix size and duration, thruster boop, etc), 400 armor/100 HP so she can actually dive Widows/save teammates like a tank without dying in her paper mech. Boom, shes a good tank again.

Tbh, just do a full revert before she got missiles and she’d be FANTASTIC. Just give her the ability to shoot while flying and she’d be perfect. Maybe swap E with a displacement ability, or swap between armor pierce/barrier pierce rounds?


Where are you getting this info from?

Recent-ish patch notes and my memory of the patch notes themselves in the past.

When a hero you used to play alot gets gutted, you remember the blade that caused it, as edgy as that sounds

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I think it’d make more sense to buff her personal survivability instead. DM is a main tanking ability on an off tank.

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Definitely think her critbox could use a reduction if they’re going to do something like that. Her meka basically only has 300 HP to a ton of heroes because her critbox is right in the front and is enormous. I won’t be shocked if they end up giving her some kind of compensatory buffs in a month or so as a result of this change.

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Yeah I think something like that or maybe converting 50-100 hp to armor would be fine.

Heres hoping…

Knowing how Blizz does stuff though, they’ll give her a random buff that doesn’t really make sense and leave her alone for a year or something.

i was a D.VA main before they introduce missiles and things have never been the same ever since, i don’t like playing D.VA at all now


Dva was, is and will remain one of the best heroes in the game.

I’ve been playing D.Va since 2017,honestly I never liked the missiles


Like they dont even have to bring old DVa back. They can just take her out of this position with changes other than simple number tweaks. I just want them to end this damn identity crisis she is going through.

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Which identity crisis?

Her role was for the last 10 season or so to control the flow of the fight/control the battlefield

Main tanking implies blocking a lot of damage (Winston, for example, blocks 12k/game) or having enough CC to clear an area of the enemy (like WB).
DM isn’t in these categories.
DM is an off-tanking ability.


This is a very generic argument “she controls the battle” lots of heroes do, probably all of them. DVa was originaly a Bruiser that was bad at being a bruiser, they buffed her kit, then nerfed it and named her a protector tank that uses matrix on friendly rip-tires and ulting genjis and isnt very agressive. Then suddently DVa isnt supposed to tank and protect, so lets cut her defenses and give her burst damage. Then lets nerf said burst damage because the pros always pick her and make the rest of the ladder always ask for Zarya instead.


She’s an off-tank with more than one way to peel.
DM for direct peel, dive for contesting and finishing off, micro missile for shield busting or diving

I can you explain DVA in detail if you want.
Dva is the most complex off tank and the OW game literacy is still in it’s infant state (no insult just an observation).

Time and time again the dev have proved a great imbalance when it comes to listening feedback about d.va. Heck even when they make statements like we have no plans to nerf d.va low and behold next ptr patch guess what is there? They have clearly shown they listen to people who despise her and have yet to show they actually care about the other side.

I thought they were supposed to be looking out for feedback on both sides for heroes and yet some heroes not just d.va see nothing but negative feedback upon negative feedback to the point it becomes quiet clear they only care about the other side. It feels like if you like certian heroes you might as well be talking to a wall or something for the amount you will be heard.

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She received missles as compensation for armor-nerf. Edit: or was it when they changed matrix fron being an E-ability? I can´t keep up anymore with all these nerfs…

I don´t think she is played in GOATS because of missles.

Matrix-duration should be reverted, without compensation-nerfs or just keep the 10m.

well reflect is an off-tank ability on a dps, so who knows what the hell blizz is thinking.

the weird thing is they added missiles to balance nerfing her DM (because it was considered too strong before kinda like how they “see” it as still too strong even after all the nerfs), but that didn’t stop DM being “strong” so they’ll keep nerfing her until they realize it’s the role that DM provides not really the strength of her ability.

I think D.Va is probably the most consistently changed hero in the game. She gets buffs and nerfs and weapon changes and missiles and defense matrix changes and they just do legit whatever to her without much thought, it seems. I feel like part of it is because her pickrate has been so consistently high and they want to bring it down and they aren’t sure how to make that happen.

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