Mic and headset problem, Please help!

So i was using a bluetooth headset and my blue yeti microphone, and was playing the game and saw that people were talking in the game but I couldn’t hear them talking even though I could hear the gameplay audio just not them, after a while I unplugged my blue yeti and I could hear the people again! I figured it might just be my bluetooth mic because this never happened before until I used a bluetooth one, so I got my HyperX headset and plugged it in only to have the same problem… My blue yeti I don’t think is the problem, as I can hear the gameplay and it let’s me hear myself whenever I talk into it. but neither is my headset. i’ve tried everything in sound settings I think and in the sound settings in game maybe, i’ve put my blue yeti as my voice chat device and headset and even tv, but whenever I have my blue yeti plugged in the audio from my team just doesn’t work. Please help if you can thanks!

Make sure audio devices you’re not using are disabled to make troubleshooting easier. Then, in the Windows Control Panel, try toggling your permissions for the microphone to be used by applications. Some players saw success with that process. If you continue to have issues only when your Blue Yeti is plugged in, you may need to reach out to them for help resolving this.