MHz Technical Letter to Matchmaking Developers

I can’t speak for him, but I’d bet 5 dollars that he doesn’t believe that and instead simply believes that you have more control over your game when you take personal responsibility, get good, and stop looking for excuses for your own failures.

More control, not “full control”.

and then you get the best plays of your carreer and still lose because you were grouped with potatoes :wink:

it‘s 90% luck, 10% skill

When you start taking responsibility for yourself and stop blaming teammates, you’ll find that those numbers trade places.

Then please, you explain to me why I ( A GM PLAYER ) cannot get over 50% win rate at 2.9k after playing every night for 2 weeks on this account

How can anyone know without watching your gameplay there.

Maybe you have to adjust your gameplay to rank you are in? Maybe you expect too much from your teammates who are high plat and not gm as on your main acc? It can have many reasons.

Why do you care about winrate anyway?


How many games have you played? What is your actual W/L/T record?

For reference, I typically say that it takes about 150 games to get to the correct rank, which is similar to Patman’s experience, here: Realistic climbing speed / getting to where you belong.

I am in the process of uploading some of these plat games to you tube, i will be posting the links here, these games clearly highlight inferior teams on my side.

I care about win rate because it infuriates me that i am unable to win at a rank over 1000sr below my main.

Well to be honest high plat and low dia has many smurfs/ alt acc users from higher elos so thats why is that elo especially hard for effective climbing I think.

Are you playing same heroes there as on your main?

  1. anchor stats
  2. smurf detection
  3. reports
  4. account age
  5. forced 50/50

yes there are alot of smurfs at this sr range, i play against them almost every game, matchmaker does this on purpose and it is very obvious to me which player on their team is of a simillar level to me every time. What you are describing here is a combination of point 2 and point 5 that i have previously discussed.

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to elaborate further, the game recognises that i am a smurf from the stats i pull each game and matches me in a game vs another smurf that has been identified via the same method, the matchmaker does this to enforce a 50/50 win rate.

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But I dont think its forced. I mean system is trying to have both teams on same average MMR. I believe that your MMR adjust rather quickly based on your stats, I dont think older stats matter at all. Not sure about reports, thats really hard to say. Why are you even mentioning that? Do you think people report you a lot?

Keep in mind that climbing is harder than keeping the rank. I get it, you are GM on this account. But I am pretty sure you would eventualy climb up on your other account too. If you made it before I mean. If you climbed with help of your friends and play with them frequently on gm elo for example that can make difference if you are playing solo on high plat acc.

Basicly anything which is done differently can make difference. 50% winrate is not forced as its result of games, result of how all 6 players played, sometimes they are bad, sometimes they are good. Only constant is you. So over time you should make difference.

Btw I have friend who made it to high masters this season and he had old account.

No, matchmaker does this to make teams equal. He doesnt care about your winrate. I mean 50/50 winrate yes, but for whole team, not for individual players. I am not sure if you mean it for you as individual or for whole team.


yes the system is trying to have both teams on the save average mmr, this by definition is forced 50/50. As a direct result of this highly skilled players are either placed with potatoes to - “have both teams on same average MMR”. Or, they are placed vs other smurfs to again “have both teams on same average MMR”, or as i like to call it, enforcing 50/50.

“I dont think older stats matter at all.” - please go watch that video again as i dont believe anyone could watch it and still say this. Anchor stats are real. If you improve enough of course you can climb, but someone with this effecting their account would have to improve by a significant margin compared to what is required for them to go to the next rank.

“Not sure about reports, thats really hard to say.” - I have taken multiple accounts to masters in the past and time and time again the accounts that have had reports on them have been significantly harder to win on, many people on the forums have been saying the same for a while now.

“I get it, you are GM on this account. But I am pretty sure you would eventualy climb up on your other account too” - yes eventually i will climb, but my point is that it should not take me hundreds of games to climb out of a tier that is far below my main.

“If you climbed with help of your friends and play with them frequently on gm elo for example that can make difference if you are playing solo on high plat acc.” - I only solo queue, unfortunately my friends do not play this game and the ones that do are at a very low skill level.

I think you need to be more open minded here, no one who achieves decent rank of diamond or above wants to admit that the system is broken and most people who play the game dont even realise its broken, but when you apply some logic and critical thinking aswell as listen to the voices of many people here on the forums, it becomes quite apparent that matchmaking is broken and has been for quite some time.
On the flipside to this, I would argue that most people who are below diamond rank do not have the experience required to have a serious input on this conversation.

These points that i mentioned earlier are things i have noticed from playing this game day in and day out over a period of 3 years across multiple accounts (probably in the 20’s at this point). I do not say these things lightly, and i am not the kind of person to make these things up.

  1. anchor stats
  2. smurf detection
  3. reports
  4. account age
  5. forced 50/50

there may be even more factors than this that effect peoples matchmaking experience but these are the most common ones that have 100% effected me and have also been talking points throughout the forums.

Yes, I agree with this. But people creating alt accounts/smurfs/boosters/throwers are honestly creating a lot of confusion for the system and its not that accurate because of that. I dont think they designed system thinking people will be creating so many alt accounts.

I am, I changed some beliefs about OW in past 3 years. I am always open to discussion and I dont have problem to listen arguments. I understand that you have your personal experience just as other who might share same opinion. But I own several alt accounts myself, I have done many experiments. I have friend who was several times banned for toxicity and I didnt notice any kind of difference between him and me in term of having worse team mates.

I think system would be fine without so many alt account and when everyone would want to win and not do dumb stuff on alts where they dont care. If system is broken, players broke it. Not developers. Only things what I think is designed pretty bad is initial placement system.

My former main acc is diamond, this is my last alt account. Just saying so you know :smiley: I have been playing across the ranks from low bronze to mid diamond. So yeah I have multiple accounts too, and over 10000 comp games played. I guess our experience is different :slight_smile:

“Yes, I agree with this. But people creating alt accounts/smurfs/boosters/throwers are honestly creating a lot of confusion for the system and its not that accurate because of that. I dont think they designed system thinking people will be creating so many alt accounts.” i partially agree with you here, people mass creating alt and smurfs makes the game less enjoyable but simultaneously if the game were to match teams based purely on rank and not take into accounts all the points i previously mentioned then this wouldn’t be a problem in the first place, regardless of how many accounts people make.

this account got to diamond for the first time after 148 games just now guys

Yet you are still 1000SR away from where you are on another account, yes? If you were at mid Masters it maybe is understandable, but this obviously is big red flag something is wrong with system.

Also, it is not just you, many many people have experienced this entire thing, yet all they hear is “get good”, it is swept under the rug.

After some time you will begin to get very easy matches, over and over, it will be so easy to win. How strange it is that you are at some higher SR and the matches suddenly become so easy.

Or maybe it will place you on some loss streak, whatever it determines you should be at.

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Back into platinum dw bro, 2 games in a row i get teams that are vastly inferior compared to the opponents. People will still defend the system regardless though.

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Hey, I think I have an idea what is causing your account to be stuck 1k SR below main. I think it is the quality of your Internet connection, which I assume must be about 14 KB/s since it’s taking you 3 days to upload the VOD on YouTube.


This is the most elaborate troll I have ever seen.

Well, or one of the most delusional people I ever had the pleasure to read something from.

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