Metro confirms hero bans

Said named player’s main hero gets banned. Said player leaves game. Game gets cancelled.
Wait in another long queue for a new game. Repeat.

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I’m not even sure people will bother playing Competitive after this. Role Queue already hit hard a lot of people, map bans continued in that wrong direction and I guess hero bans will be the final blow.

If OW2 doesn’t sell well or if the population decreases before its release, people should not act surprised. Every bad decision has consequences :man_shrugging:

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Because certain characters are stupidly broken and the devs refuse to do anything about it

Just imagine them banning the only counter to the hero, the enemy rips them apart with.
That would certainly be hilarious. :sweat_smile:

What’s going to happen is the same heroes will be banned all the time throughout different ranks. Sigma, Orissa, Mei, etc. Rather than just addressing the known issue heroes, they are using a band aid fix with hero bans.

Youll be playing sniperwatch.
anything else.

except it’s removing a large chunk of the playable heroes…thus the probability of someone having all heroes they are good at unplayable rises. then u have a person who drags team down.

and i will happne because we all know there are ppl who only use 1 or 2 heroes and reuse to learn another.

only reason bans work in other games is they have a large variety of units to pick from…OW doesnt have that benefit…let alone when a significant part are basically throws at certain tiers.

Those players can always play casual mode or quick mode. Competitive is for people who take the game more serious and play to win.

OW2 is a pve expansion that has nothing to do with the pvp of OW. I don’t think the state of OW will have any affect on OW2. Personally, I’m judge OW2 like it’s a pve game. If the game play is good, then I will buy it.

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No, Blizzard is rather slow at making balance changes in any of their games.

It’s a bad change for tanks. Right now, only shield tanks are worth playing and the other 5 blow chunks. Hero bans will ensure that the only functional tanks are removed from the game (because they’re “anti-fun”) and everyone will be stuck playing losers like Dva and Hog, while the rest of the team screeches at them all match for throwing/feeding.

Blizzard will NEVER balance the game. Three and a half years later, they’ve yet to even bring the original rouster even close to parity.

If they do implement it in OW2 then they better bump up the tank and support options in the game. A double ban in those categories locks you into certain comps, and further encourages mirror matchups which is already really stale and problematic.

At this point in time this game isn’t becoming Overwatch anymore.

Overwatch use to be a good spin-off replication of Team Fortress 2. When Overwatch came out. it was an amazing gift to the world. I was happy to get away from that TF2 game .

Now we get single hero picks (okay, that is fair). then we get 2s. So now we have essentially a recycled version of a mod that FAILED horribly in the TF2 community. Someone made it for Sourcemod, as a ruleset to run and not many people liked it. So someone here thinks it is a good idea and it gets forced on everyone.

Now we have Hero bans that people are wanting? Why on earth would ANYONE want this? It made for TOXIC games, players got mad and FOUGHT over this rule-set, nobody played on those servers except a VERY select few, there was barely any ad profit on those servers and honestly all people did was FIGHT and dodge matches because of it.

If Hero bans is something that players want, I am just tired of hearing stuff like this at this point. Just leave Overwatch alone. learning to counter heroes is what this game is about. Not bookshelfing a hero because someone refuses to learn to play the game.

The way I see it. The people that created this game put a lot of time, money and efforts into the game. All to have everything taken away from them and us fans.

The way I see it. Jeff and the team did this game right the first time. OUT of the box. Then they get bullied around by select players wanting something changed. So all we get now is everything rushed out, to please a vocal group of players. Just leave the devs alone at this point. The constant changes are driving players insane. This literally is NOT Overwatch anymore.

It’s ActiBlizzard.
They’ll find a way to implement it in the worst way possible that’s for sure.

The biggest issue that I see with the idea of bans is that if someone wants to play a specific character, they may be disallowed to do so. The difference between Overwatch and the other games that were listed earlier in this thread is that Overwatch is a paid game, whereas LoL and HotS are free to play. It would be difficult for some people to swallow the fact that they are not allowed (without even a chance) to play the character that they would like to play in a game that they have paid to play. I think that this would increase the amount of leavers that each game has.

Bans will be used to be passive aggressive towards people not help the team comp. It’s inevitable.

Jeff just said hero bans are not it.

You should stop subbing to these people and save your money.

I mean Metro literally perfectly leaked Ashe and OW2, and he SPECIFICALLY said this hero ban leak was from a different source and he had no idea how reliable it was.

So it’s not like he was out here preaching about it being the truth.

Blizzard should be balancing their own game. The fact that they would add bans is an admission that they have not even the slightest clue how to run their game correctly and thus require the players to do it for them. It’s an admission of incompetence.