Metro confirms hero bans

Same person who leaked ow2 confirms blizz has been working on hero bans.

Also anyone against bans, you are crazy. As much as these forums complain about balance you’d think you’d all be excited to have control over balance in your games. One of the best things about a ban system is it will pressure blizz to make good balance changes. If doom is banned in 90% of games, they can either hard nerf him, or accept that the community has essentially deleted him from the game.

Hero bans are a part of every other hero based competitive game. It’s necessary because by design there will always be OP heroes and there’s no avoiding it. It’s about time overwatch gets a ban system. Great job devs! Looking forward to deleting hanzo from my games.


i think im rather sane for disagreeing with such an opinion.


No. Pros and Cons to both things and both opinions are reasonable. You gotta be crazy not to see any downsides.


dude, we dont like bans because of extra 6 minutes added to your wait time to start a 10 min match…
they can balance the game , i know, a shocker!!


4Head just balance it LOL

and for what reason you’ve decided that it will add even a second? not even speaking about 6 mins…

30 second per person… dont need math for that one


What? How would this add 6 minutes to wait time? A ban phase would take a minute.

When has the game ever been perfectly balanced? Never. Because it’s not possible to have perfect balance in hero based games. There will always be OP heroes and this is why literally every other hero based game has a ban system.


less than a minute, only if everybody gets 60 seconds to pick their ban, otherwise, it will be 30 seconds per person

Only downside I see is a downside for one tricks. I’m cool with that.


Imagine waiting 10 minutes to get into a game just to find out you can’t even play your favorite DPS just because some player would rather ban them then learn to counter.


well, rip

So wrong on so many levels.


Just remember to quickly find another reason why your team lost!


That’s the problem. Who has the control? And who should have it? :thinking:


You have 30 sec to choose team comp, add 15 sec to ban 1 hero, and reduce comp build time to 20 sec.
You’ve got +5 more seconds a match

Yes, give me hero bans NOW please. This should have been a thing for the competitive version of this game since the beginning.


Where is the balance in the enemy team taking, say, WIdowmaker, Hanzo and Mercy and your team banning Winston?
What about banning Reinhardt when you desperately need the extra shield later in the match?

That’s not balance, nor is it learning to work around problems and play better.


Ironic coming from a one trick. Maybe you should learn to counter instead of one tricking.


I never said I was a one-trick, nor did I use it in my example.

I’m saying imagine if you wanna play a specific hero while queuing, perhaps McCree. Even if you play multiple heroes.

You wait 10 minutes in the queue, excited to play McCree, but he ends up being banned.

Yes, and why can’t people learn to counter instead of relying on banning the heroes they don’t like instead?


Okay so let’s say enemy team has double sniper and both Rein and Winston are banned like you suggested. You still hand double shield with orisa sig or you could dive with wrecking ball. I don’t see a problem here. Also nobody is going to be banning Winston.

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Watch the playerbase drop even more with bans.