Metro confirms hero bans

People are concerned about targetted banning to one tricks or well-known players

Personally I think it is a risk worth taking. Solved more problems than it fixes.

I also think it’s going to come with a lot of unexpected or undiscussed implications outside of pro-level play and gm

I have an issue with how the devs do somethings, at times, yes. But you don’t have to look on these forums long to see why leaving “balence” (in the form of bans), in the hands of players, is a terrible idea.

But, a ban doesn’t tell you why people don’t want those Heroes played.

If Bronze players ban Bastion, that doesn’t mean he’s OP. Same if people ban Sombra or whatever. Most people in this community are extremely bias, especially, against Heroes that counter their Main, are “unfun” to play against, “too UP” to play with, etc.

I’ve already seen people on the Forums say they would ban their counters or UP Heroes just so their teammates can’t pick them, and so on.

You want these type of people in charge of who you can or can not play, in your match? That is what’s crazy.

Yup. Same here. I completely agree with you



If bans go through, Stevoo is getting trolled out of the game.

If they’d chosen bans over 2-2-2 or waited longer till OW2 at least then I’d be 100% on board but it seems an odd decision to launch them right now.

Tanks and Support heroes are still so few and already so restrictive in their picks (particularly tanks) and there aren’t enough with overlapping appeal. And with how restrictive the synergies are, banning a single tank will often end up taking another one out too (e.g. Rein/Zarya). I fear queues will be even worse if bans come now.

Pretty voting for two hero’s from both teams would take at most 2 minutes. 30 seconds per vote. Teams alternate picks so the opposing team can counter vote. This isn’t complicated.

So it’s and advantage for your team as well. Bans wont be one sided. Who ever is banned is banned from the game not the team.

Okay and team 2 banned widow. Seems fair.

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  1. No, I’m not crazy for wanting Blizzard to actually do balance than continue to do band-aid fix after band-aid fix.

  2. I prefer options and don’t want them limited or restricted.

  3. Hero bans will not control balance. Instead, it’ll result in less consistency in skill and people hate picking heroes to ban.

No thank you.


That’d just mean we’re forced to run a specific comp (snipers) to capitalize on that advantage. I thought hero bans were suppose to stop the meta and encourage off meta choices and not just create new metas.

Although, lets be honest, Hero bans will just create new metas anyway. There’ll always be objectively better choices in games.

That’s If they’re allowed to see who’s being banned ahead of time.


If they banned Widow, you know the enemy would just choose Hanzo and Ashe. That’ll still be a major thorn in the side of the tanks and their flimsy shield. In fact, I really can’t tell what’s worse, Hanzo or Widowmaker, in a team that can’t use Reinhardt.

But yay Ashe will be forced to be used in place of widow maker! That’s a good thing, right?

That Metro dude should definitely stop putting leaks.
Let devs announce their stuff by themselves when they are ready for it to be announced.

Jeff was totally upset that he finally had “only few things” to announce at BlizzCon 2019 as he said everything he was supposed to say, were on the internet already.

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Yeah I don’t see a problem with it. I played league for years and this is how things worked, and it’s a far more successful game than ow. People would ban their hard counters or heroes their rank considered op. It’s about giving more control to the players on who they want and don’t want in their games. At most this will be a two hero ban system and each team will vote on their ban. If not enough votes go through to someone wanting to ban their counter it’s not gonna happen. It’s also not gonna be possible to ban all your counters.

The community on console in Australia is small enough that many players know each others favorite heroes. The last thing I want is to have my favorite hero banned every time I come accross a stack that happens to know who I enjoy playing.


If the community is that small why do you think they’ll ban your hero over someone else’s? Why do you think they’ll ban your hero over a meta or overpowered hero?

This problem literally only effects the hardest most stubborn one tricks. Hero bans are no different than someone in your team locking your favorite hero. There is no absolutely right that someone gets to play a specific hero.

Watch the playerbase drop as long as RQ is a thing. Hero bans would have literally saved the game from GOATS. EVERYONE KNEW BRIGITTE WAS THE ISSUE. Simple as that, blizzard were just to stubborn to gut her for whatever reason. Do you know why they are afraid of bans? Cause down the line at some point when Hero X gets banned over and over and over and over again, they will have to admit they ARE WRONG, that they are responsible for hero X being OP - which as we know - is a huge RED FLAG with blizzard. Admitting guilt is impossible for them. That is why they always avoid things that will directly point out the flaw is them and their design and nothing else, that what it entitles to give the power towards the player. When the player is able to truly control their experience the limitations to it is always highlighted and that always traces back to the creator. So again, that is probably the only reason we have not seen hero bans earlier and why we still have a wonky map system at best.

Where did he confirm it when did he become an official spokesperson for blizzard?


Hero bans without the ability to see player stats is kinda pointless.

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That’s another thing. It’s difficult to take a competitive game seriously when they hide stats.

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What’s wrong with preferring the current counter-play method that requires more skill and effort compared to banning ones own weakness by moving their finger… so skillful.


Yeah, instead of actually fixing heroes let’s just delete them.

Name one hero based competitive game that doesn’t have over powered heroes. Ya can’t. Because it’s impossible to perfectly balance hero based games.

Now name one hero based competitive game without hero bans besides overwatch. Ya can’t. Interesting how it’s the most unbalanced of them all. I wonder why.

Rainbow Six Siege
Apex Legends
Team Fortress 2