"Meteor" on Summer Games skins

MEKA has the word Meteor written on it. Now Winston’s baseball uniform says it, too. What’s the deal with that?

It’s the Nike brand of the overwatch universe.


Darn. Was hoping for something cooler.

OMG Why is Winston so freaking adorable. I immediately Googled the skin because I hadn’t seen it.

Look at his cute shades and the baseball launchers for a jet pack. Seriously Winston never stop being yourself.

As far as the Meteor thing goes… who knows?

It’s the sports/summer brand of Overwatch.

Sombra’s Summer Games weapon has Meteor on it as well.

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I don’t know if this is canon but it’s on the OW Wiki.

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A lot of the old skins have the logo on it.
McCree’s Lifeguard skin
Junkrat’s Cricket skin
Sombra’s Tulum skin
Tracer’s Sprinter/Track and Field skins
Zarya’s Weightlifter skin
Hanzo’s Casual skin from Winter Wonderland
Winston’s Catcher skin


Why they gotta have their logo AND name on everything?

I’m a bit surprised they called it Meteor since it links to Doomfist but meh, it’s just a lore brand.

It’s called branding, my friend. :sunglasses: < winston shades

It could be a company that Doomfist owns

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Next question. Winston’s outfit is primarily red; Rein’s, orange; D.Va’s, blue. Are we gonna get a full rainbow for the legendaries? Who gets the yellow, green, and purple (doubt they’d split it into indigo and violet)? That’d give us 6 legendaries and then they could do 3 epics.

It’s because the company that makes the equipment is owned by Doomfist.

Meteor brand=meteor strike

I mean
Lucio already had skins with the meteor brand way before doomfist appear in game
( I’m almost sure Both his hockey skins are from this brand )

Why it have to show up on a lot of stuff ? Well because it’s probably the most popular sport brand in the overwatch universe so it’s pretty common and give those skin kind of realism

Because some people are just skin and bones, but Summer a little Meteor.