Meta Tier List S-F

Bastion comp currently sets up on highground due to symmetra always having a teleporter.
Sym and bastion both work great against Goats, and goats can’t reach highground, nor does it have decent long range damage.

Look at last month, compared to last week.

Still nope. Bastion comp can’t defend a point from goats when goats is run properly.

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oh? show me your source for that, im calling bull. you don’t know what people are and aren’t tracked.

another reason it wouldn’t be reliable.

This week shows that he’s gotten worse.

Last month: 50% winrate. This week: 40%. oH bUt hE cOuNtErS gOaTs.


Here is the link by the professional mathematician about Overbuff.

As for the latter, this was a real concern. But the dev team has consistently shown Overbuff to be a fairly reliable source anytime they have bothered to give us data. It isn’t exact, but it gets pretty close. And the devs DO have access to ALL of the data.

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It easily can.
Bastion,, orisa, ana and moira.
You run sym at the start, If you want she can switch to pharah after getting her team to highground.

No. It shows that less people are playing him.
The good bastion players taking a break.

ah so a random person simply claiming to be a professional mathmetician with absolutely no link to any credentials or link to any significant work to deem them “professional”

about what I thought.

What is the goal of goats comp, do you know?

They showed their work. If you want to prove them wrong, why don’t you do some math work?

Or are you going to continue to fight against data because it doesn’t agree with you? The devs data about ladder stated the same thing about Sombra as Overbuff did at the time, that she wasn’t all that. They were going to buff her. And then they saw how she did in Contenders and cancelled it.


there work means nothing, they have no credentials, nor do they know the exact numbers of overbuff. you cant say something is an accurate representation, when you cant even say how much of the population it shows.

You don’t know if they have credentials. You didn’t even read the work.

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To rush the eneny. Something you can’t do when you don’t have any way of dealing with the enemy.

Incorrect, but this is a common misconception so im not judging you
The goal of goats is to take a point and make it impossible to fight them on point. This is where you’ll occasionally see points taken with one person dying or sometimes(rarely) none.
Bastion is not mobile enough to contest point and even with Sym you’re begging for something to go wrong.


I did I looked through it for credentials, none were present.

there was no listing of where they got there degree, or listings of any works with their name on it from the mathematic community.

That doesn’t mean they don’t have credentials, it means you don’t know them.

What you do is know that others checked and even corrected some of their work.

What you do know is that Overbuff has once again been a reliable prediction of who would receive buffs, even after the change.

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You can’t take something you can’t reach.

Lets see
Reins barrier lasts 3 seconds against that comp
Add D.Va DM and Lucio speed boost = on point.
Infact it takes goats only 2 seconds to get to point on Hanamura.

The funny thing is that ive seen people swap to goats to counter bastion.


if they had them they would have used them. no self respecting mathmetician would claim they are something and put forward evidence of there work without the credentials to back this. I know this because I am an aeronautical engineer, and its heavy in math, and I have never met another engineer who has put out work doing math on something without their credentials.

this alone tells me they aren’t what they claim. the fact that they had to have their work checked and corrected by average everyday people on the internet on something as simple as seeing if a sample size measures up to the actual community, a process as simple as seeing the ratios of x class player on overbuff compared to the actual community. (the actual community they would have no way of getting by the way)

I’m 100% sure they aren’t what they say after going back and reading more thoroughly with their “coins in a bag” example, claiming a 1 time sample of that bag is enough to determine the actual bags contents, they don’t factor in outliers, and chance. They said 1 time was enough. if you were doing a test like theres you would need to spill the bag 10+ times and get the median average of both sets of coins to even come close to determining what the percentile difference between those bags are.