Mercy's Winrate This Week

You know wat :crazy_face:

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They said “if things are not going well or to the community’s liking, we will go back”

They also said it’s “their responsibility to make sure every hero is fun”
They also said they would “keep an eye on her” while nerfing her over and over
They also said “We look forward to your feedback”

Interesting isn’t it? ;3


No, I don’t.

I disagree with “most” personally, that is actually “most” vocal subset of Mercy players crying for mass rez, the reset of the player base isn’t. I realize this discussion is like arguing religion, it serves no purpose. A subset of Mercy mains want this, it’s not good for the game, and it shouldn’t come back. What I do find humorous is this near religious zealotry around it
 I guess everyone needs a cause in life

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The last thing we got from a developer was this

The stuff you listed was the first thing they said when Valkyrie was first implemented. So Jeff’s comment is really the last source of what the Developers are currently thinking, and obviously it’s pretty old at this point.


Overbuff isn’t even a reliable source anymore.

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Everything after this, I’m not obliged to read. Thanks for your input on the matter.

We should all watch Aria rose, she is the most reliable source to date about mercy.

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It is still reliable. :stuck_out_tongue:

So because the quotes I posted are a few months old, they mean nothing? That’s hilarious. Well, have fun if another hero gets gutted and they go back on their words. Though, by that logic, the comment you posted is old too and they could completely switch their opinion. It means nothing. :thinking:

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What if it’s worse than we even realize?

Oh wow, pretty crazy, now let’s do something absolutely bonkers and compare her pickrate and winrate with that of Sombra’s. What do the stats say now?

Not going to comment on Brig or Mercy since I will undoubtedly get attacked for stating my opinion, but if Overbuff suggests someone is to weak or too powerful, that doesn’t mean that they are weak or too powerful. However, it also doesn’t mean that they aren’t too weak or too powerful. Overbuff only gives a very rough idea of figures.

Blizzard has all the telemetry of pick/winrate across different ranks.

Brig may or may not be OP regardless of what Overbuff says. Mercy may or may not be too weak, regardless of what Overbuff says.

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No, I am saying that this is the last thing a developer has said to us about Mercy. The latest news from a source is the most accurate news to go off of. And I am saying the last statement he made is getting pretty old now.


That is absolutely bonkers. Why on earth would you compare a support to a DPS character?

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When a game only has 3 main healers out of 28 total characters having even 1 of them being garbage like current Mercy is bad for the game


Plus, we haven’t even gotten a second dedicated healer (one who cannot damage).

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But his most latest statement has nothing to do with the statements Ari listed so they shouldn’t really be less reliable, right?

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With all due respects, Ana and Moira were pretty trash for such a long time because Mercy was undermining them.

I am in essence agreeing with you because all three of them should be equally viable across the board depending on circumstances.


shes only garbage for the OTP mercy with not other skillset.