Mercy's Winrate This Week

Who’s to say that nerfing/removing E rez instead would do the same?

I’m just confused because nobody EVER complained about her raw healing. Ever.

Valk’s chain healing is the reason her numbers got inflated in the first place. That’s a potetial 300 HPS.

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Actually I had thought the 60 hp/s was unfair for ages. I just never thought there was any chance they’d change it.

Um, no. If two are overperforming because the others can’t do their job and never recovered from their nerfs, the solution is to get them all to a place where they can do their job.

And then if you need to down tune them from there, you do that.

Mercy cannot do her job, she cannot even save someone from a Winston.

Ana couldn’t either for a while, and now she can thanks to her needed buffs.

You destroy the class as a whole if you’re always racing to the bottom instead of tuning around how they perform in instances where they’d be expected to perform.

Can you explain why? It’s just, in my opinion, 60 hps is easy to focus through, especially if it’s group focus.

I didn’t assume they did. I said they have all of the statistics (fact) and that just because they didn’t mention one doesn’t mean they didn’t use one (fact).

This is a typical strategy from people who don’t have a defensible position when I apply skepticism or scrutiny.

I’m not saying they did I’m saying we can’t know either way.

So, yeah, there is nothing to debunk (unless you are trying to debunk facts lol) because I’m not making the claim you think I’m making.

Right, but their sample space for the data is literally every game of Overwatch that has ever been played ever (we can only assume/hope).

So situations that look like hide and res but aren’t will simply appear as outliers in the data.

Do you mean proof read?

Well, you’re incorrect. My cousin worked for Blizzard here in Austin for awhile and, at least in WOW, he was able to see literally everything any player did to determine if they were using bots. If they didn’t have that information how could they see if someone was inactive or throwing? How could they prove a ban was justified?
Your doubts are completely unconvincing as an argument.

Please work on your reading comprehension because this is not at all what I said.
Also, they can see the x,y,z coordinates of all of each character, so it wouldn’t be hard to see Mercy’s position.

You can’t be serious.
Statistics like this do exist. And Overbuff can’t display them because of private profiles.
Blizzard doesn’t want everyone to see everything. If you can make it so Overbuff can’t see your stats don’t you think Blizzard can make it such that Overbuff can’t see everything?
I don’t think your logic holds under scrutiny.

This is the problem with your argument.
I say we don’t know if they used stats or not.
You say they could have.

Essentially neither of us is actually wrong because both of us have to make assumptions about the devs. See the problem?

EDIT: gotta love the MY UNCLE WORKS AT NINTENDO reference

Because she healed way more than Ana and Lucio. I didn’t think there was much way for Ana to compete even before rez entered the picture. I also didn’t think it was fair for Mercy to outheal Lucio so much just because he had niche utility in high rank.

Honestly it was the fact that both were on the same character.

You can’t control or plan ahead for what kind of damage dealers the red team brings. So… when you’re the healer you pick the 1 or combination of 2 that can effectively heal the largest variety of stuff. Prior to this healing nerf, Mercy was the only healer who could “heal” Widow headshots and the like and was good enough at healing general damage. She couldn’t (and still can’t) do anything vs ults though so you pair her with the healer with the best defensive ultimate in the game, Zen with Trans.

Since ults aren’t super common and Mercy was the best at “healing” Burst, good enough at healing general DPS, and AoE DoT damage basically doesn’t exist, Mercy was a must pick.

Also people started double stacking supports as supports got weaker, because one was no longer able to keep a team from dying.

Yeah, you’re trying to have an argument where there isn’t one.
We agree that we both can’t know. I’m glad that we can arrive here. This is the only logically defensible position at the moment.

Yeah, and no one has to believe me, but it is a true story. He was a GameMaster for WoW for awhile but left the company several years ago.
Again, I will never fault someone for not believing an anecdote; even my own.

3 main healers
That’s it.
Three main healers in this entire game
And somehow people think it’s viable and a good idea for one of them to be balanced to be UP above Silver.

I pointed it out because thats the argument you used to say all the other posts were wrong but now I’m confused because you apparently grasp that its not really a valid argument.

It’s not an argument, not exactly.
I’m not saying anyone is wrong, necessarily. Wrong in the way they use data, sure, but that’s it.

I’m saying their positions cannot be rationally justified and are based on necessarily flawed statistics.

I’m not saying the position is wrong. I can’t know that.
As long as they also admit that they can’t know that, that the stats are flawed, and that any conclusion drawn from them is weak, then we have no issue.

Well Blizzard can fix this. If your cousin actually works at Blizzard maybe they can shed some light on why we have heard nothing from them in regards to Mercy.

Literally all that has to be done is for them to be open and then we can actually have discussions based on solid information instead of having to guess all the time.

EDIT: I see that he left the company. Unfortunate guess we have to live without knowing forever

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I agree.

He did years ago and only worked with WoW unfortunately. I would have loved to pick his brain some more on this issue.

I agree. I wholeheartedly agree and I’m as pissed as anyone, as a mathematician, that I can’t see all of the statistics I want.

I want to see how much healing I deny with bio-nade.
I want to see how much extra distance I was able to help my team cover with speed-boost.
I want to see how much extra damage I caused by using discord orb.

I want accurate statistics as much as the next guy. I’m just not going to use inaccurate ones in the place of accurate ones.

Lol let’s hope someone at Blizzard has pity on us and sheds light on the issue…

it’ll be awhile…

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do you really think that Mercy is like this right now?

I still bristle at the main healer thing because I think it’s largely an excuse to keep Lucio in the doghouse.

She wasn’t overpowered Feb - July. She was over picked. Her win rates did not eclipse the other healers even when she was picked less than them. What’s more - during February, Mercy’s pick rates dropped as Moira’s rose. In the months that followed Moira’s dropped as Mercy’s rose. Players shifted from Mercy to Moira and back again. During that time, their win rates were nearly identical. The same people were having the same success with Moira as with Mercy. That’s not what an overpowered hero looks like.

Ana and Lucio have since then gotten significant buffs. There’s no strong reason to believe that August 8th Mercy would crowd out either of them if she was put in game as is today. But even if you do believe that she would - it’s almost certain that a nerf to resurrection / a change to Valkyrie instead would fix that problem. After all, Mercy wasn’t that strong pre rework.


The thing is, I think e-rez is fine the way it is. I would much rather balance Mercy now by buffing Valkyrie or something than improve her healing, and especially by improving her healing at the cost of other parts of her kit. I

Imagine if you could use riptire every 30 seconds and junk had a new ult.

Who am I kidding making an ult an ability is balanced.