But his most latest statement has nothing to do with the statements Ari listed so they shouldn’t really be less reliable, right?
With all due respects, Ana and Moira were pretty trash for such a long time because Mercy was undermining them.
I am in essence agreeing with you because all three of them should be equally viable across the board depending on circumstances.
shes only garbage for the OTP mercy with not other skillset.
It is not. most ppl have their profile hidden.
Mercy’s win rate is below 50% in bronze. A hero with a low skill floor and easy to pick shouldn’t be below 50% in bronze. Omnicmeta also shows Mercy’s drop in pickrate as well as her below 50% winrate in all tiers on September 10th.
h ttp://www.omnicmeta.com/2018/09/overwatch-hero-meta-report-pc-september.html
That’s why they got buffs? Ana was trash because they nerfed her to trash, Moira was never trash, but the shield nerf made her weaker. Mercy did not need the healing nerf alongside the support buffs.
They also never said they won’t delete Mercy or shut down the servers tomorrow.
Defining something as a possibility because it was never explicitly counted out is spurious at best.
Wait wait wait, they also never said they wouldn’t make Mercy into a DPS. >:D THE DREAM LIVES!
ana was mostly trash because mercy did her job 10x better.
Uhm, I’ve campaigned for Ana for months, and I still campaign for her to have console specific changes to maker her win-rates and pick-rates there better.
They balance around pc.
I’ve also spoken out about Hog and Bastion, not just Mercy.
My Mercys winrate is around 42% so I welcome every buff. Not that I play her much.
Yeah, the buffs that came a year after Mercy was literally being picked nearly 100% for multiple seasons.
I guess I just don’t understand why it was ok that Ana and Moira had significantly lower pickrates than Mercy across all ranks for multiple seasons, but the moment a tiny increment of what happened to them starts happening to Mercy, the whole world loses its mind.
All healers should be viable. That wasn’t the case for over a year. That is not fine.
The healing nerf was basically a revert back to her healing during launch, and with that nerf and the support buffs, we’re finally not seeing Mercy in every. single. game. I know that’s something you enjoyed seeing, but I like many others were sick of it.
Maybe neither is okay?
That is called purposefully being obtuse.
I agree, having all 3 main healers equally viable would be healthy for the game, especially because Ana is a high skill hero and less skilled players should be able to fall back on Moira or Mercy, not just Moira
Because most of us didn’t want this rework. It was blatantly OP, no one is arguing against that, but now Mercy is boring and a shell of her former self. I don’t care if Mercy is UP, but the hypocrisy and the fact Mercy is boring is a problem.