Mercy's ultimate

Without blushing, Jeff has declared that there will be no revert, and I and many others are hoping Blizzard never changes it’s mind in regards to that declaration; as Mass rez was the single worst power ever provided to any character in this game

Very true. Valkyrie needs to have that extra “oomph” I feel. I would love if something was done that can make it feel more like an ultimate, and less like a normal ability.

Whatever that would be, I would like to see what they can come up with. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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I’m just hoping they’d eventually just put previous hero kits in custom games-that way people can see if it truly was broken or if the fact of the greater SR gain was what caused to influx of “hide and seek”.


I’d really like that. To add, I’ve always wanted some way to tweak the abilities as well in custom games, to perhaps make our own variants of those abilities (for example, for Lucio’s soundbarrier, a way to make it so instead of him providing barriers, we can change the effect so it makes armor or boosts damage).

I think the endless possibilities of something like that would be an amazing way to refresh the game and even get casual players interested and even more creative in their custom games, or to test new rework ideas. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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That would be fun though I don’t think Blizzard is willing to make THAT much of an effort for casual players.

Though random loadouts could be fun (those were a blast in TF2).

Heck as I mentioned before with previous kits, add in alternate builds like have LucioBall Lucio in when his ult makes him INSANELY speedy with unlimited boops.

Just give us something more to custom games. The last thing we got was Low grav.


Just curious, have you seen my latest Mercy rework?

It attempts to give Valkyrie more oompf by making the main beam heal for 80, chains for 40 but also makes it so Mercy heals her GA target for 15 not in Valk and 30 in Valk.


Don’t y’all get tired of repeating the same thing to each other on every Mercy thread…?


The main problem with Huge Rez is that it relied on your teammates being dead, which means you already failed to do your job as a healer. The worse your job at healing, the more use you get out of Huge Rez. If you’re only ulting to bring back one dead person then its kind of underwhelming for an ultimate, and if you’re pulling off that juicy quintuple rez then you let your whole team die just so you could get POTG. Not a great system.

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Not only am I starting to think that she won’t get her mass res back ever, but I’m starting to worry we might no longer see cool ultimates, or if we do, they’ll be put on DPS characters.

Moira’s ult is kind of okay and somewhat fun to use, but it’s just pretty much a lot of healing and some damage, not nearly as impactful as Zen’s, which also makes him invincible.

Baptiste’s ult is… awful to every and all levels. Small area, short duration, extremely hard to use, it’s hard to notice if your projectiles are taking the effect…

And I’m surprised Orisa’s ult wasn’t reworked already. It’s a really bad version of right click Mercy’s ult.

Blizzard, we need less boring ults, not more. With the exception of Moira’s ult, which BARELY deserves the ult spot, none of the three other ones are good fits for ults.

I’d also like to mention Widow and Symmetra.
While I understand that Widow’s gameplay revolves entirely around her ability to one shot if you know how to aim, her ult is, uuuuh… useful, really useful, but not exactly thrilling to use.
And I feel like, while Sym’s ult is really effective and somewhat fun to use, it’s so awkward to have it on a DPS. If you told me that was a new ult for the newest tank hero, I’d have believed it, but Sym? Uuuuh…

EDIT: I forgot to mention Brigitte. It’s really effective, but “Press Q! … Click Extra armor… Click Extra armor… Click Extra armor…” isn’t exactly the most fun thing ever.

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I’ve ignored them a long time ago after calling them out on their canned responses / projected opinions to be taken as fact, without giving any proof. I’m not sure as to why they are still quoting my posts, thinking I will reply. :woman_shrugging:

Just checked it out. I think it’s certainly an improvement over her current kit. One thing I would wonder is if she gets an extra rez charge in Valk or if she still has 1 single rez on E? Or rather, since Valk is supposed to improve all of Mercy’s abilities, how does it improve resurrect in this kit?

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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As I’ve written that rework, Valkyrie does not improve Resurrect. Similar to how it doesn’t currently upgrade Resurrect in the slightest.

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It kinda makes it easier to do, but it doesn’t change anything else: still one player, still no buffs for that player afterwards to get out of bad spot they died before.


Since Valk doesn’t improve it, I’m not sure if it would solve the issue people have with Valk’s stigma of “not being impactful”. Even in this kit, Res sounds like a lot more fun to use than her ultimate to me, while Valk seems to be tweaked with it’s range and numbers. I think some more creativity can be put into some way to add some perks to Rez (such as another Rez charge in Valk and giving both a 155burst heal during that duration, or simply halving it’s cooldown from 30s on a single charge to 5 seconds when Valking), something that gives it that “oomph” without overdooing it, and making that something that happens only if she uses the ultimate. Adding more value to Valk besides “Just more healing”.

I do like the direction of it though and there’s a lot of good things there. I certainly wouldn’t mind playing it in game.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

The problem with Mercy is that pretty much all other healers are equal to her + ability to defend themselves. This is why people would prefer picking other healers. If i can have as good healing as mercy with a more potential defense, why would I choose mercy?
Especially that her new ultimate is now very much similar to Zen and Lucio in terms of the idea. The problem is that Mercy isn’t special except for her res.

What I think Mercy needs is either bringing back her res ultimate, or give her a passive ability that has a cooldown of 10-15 seconds. This passive is, when being hit, Mercy doubles that damage taken and projects it as healing for herself and the team surrounding her.
So it’s just the opposite of Brigitte, instead of damage done to healing. It’s damage taken to healing.
This will allow her to escape without dying easily unless the passive is on cooldown. Also, it helps her to be more creative and strategic.

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I find the entire “lets bring back Mass rez” concept tiring especially given how long it has hung around - going on two years now - and the fact that Blizzard has clearly declared it isnt happening

I find alleged “movements” that preach listening to others and valuing all opinions but in practice do the opposite to be tiring

I find the fact that folks who led organized raids against the forums are not permanently banned from the forums to be tiring

I find efforts to derail threads from topic x into topic “lets bring back mass rez” to be tiring

I find defending myself when the problem is being created by others to be tiring

I find being asked such questions like this one when initial repeated statement is made by others to be tiring

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It’s not that. She can rather easily avoid enemies, but she lacks impact for her team. All impact is for one player you resurrect, and that’s pretty much it.


The quoting of posts does not necessarily mean a response from the quoted is expected.

Glad to hear you like an idea that was drawn in part from the Dodo Compromise rework

Tho the above statement is untrue, rez is in fact already improved by Valkyrie in Mercy’s current state

More like, why would you pick healer with 50 hps and burst ability, that puts you at risk of dying, when you can pick other healer with potential 80-90 hps and burst heal, that you can throw and forget?

Just to compare, which healers have team-wide benefits in their base kits:

  • Ana: biotic nade can heal whole team at once.
  • Baptiste: immortality field + AoE heal on cooldown.
  • Lucio: constant AoE buff/healing.
  • Zenyatta: discord buffs damage for all teammates shooting that player.
  • Brigitte: AoE healing.
  • Moira: healing orb + her AoE healing.

Most of those team-wide advantages are fairly strong, too.

Now, what can Mercy offer in her base kit:

  • healing for one player;
  • damage boost for one player;
  • resurrect, also for one player;
    All of that, strictly for one player, and only one at a time. Can’t resurrect one player, while healing second player and damage boosting third.
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And he only claims statements/opinions as facts if they validate his views and opinions while disregarding anything that would prove him otherwise.


I do not claim opinions as factual