Mercy's the most balanced she's ever been

She’s picked only for damage boost right now lmfao just revert her to her pre-invulnerability state and give Resurrect LoS requirement.

fun stuff now my account is on hold cuz i told 'em the truth lmfao what a company


I’m no gambler so how about you tell me the odds of that happening

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how bout you tell me the reason why they buffed the most powerful part of her kit before the rework happened

just look through the forums… mercy,bastion,reaper,symmetra posts everywhere… “oh look pharah needs some unneeded adjustments”

blizzard’s clueless


Yeah no it’s their game they’re entitled to do what ever they want with it I just don’t know how going back could do anything but damage blizzards reputation with a majority of their playerbase

ah so this just a venting thread eh yeah i’ll leave you be

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I thought it was a honest thread, it’s a troll one.


Not following. Especially since Blizzard has a bad reputation for forging ahead with changes upon changes when simply being like “Oops, we gave this hero too much of a buff/nerf. Let’s go back a bit” would have headed off the whole thing.

No I’m not just talking about Mercy. They did the exact same thing with DVa too… and Doomfist… and arguably Bastion as well.

Going back would actually help get rid of that reputation.


That bridge burned a LONG time ago lol


Lol, they have no reputation left to damage.


They’re not going to revert Mercy.


I’m mostly saying if they’re were to bring back mass it would have to come with loads of restriction for it to have some aspect of counterplay and

even then performance based sr still exist from bronze to plat it would present the same problem of mercy players exploiting it for sr atleast until high plat to low diamond

and that wouldn’t solve the original problem that mercy died everytime she used her ult and if all of those restrictions and changes make it work as a ult I’d rather it not be a ult

yeah because they’re going to call it a rework :wink:


mmm, not sure it would need it. Contrary to popular belief, Mass Resurrect did have counter play even after it got invulnerability. Now the invulnerability did remove the most obvious and easy counter play to Mass Resurrect, but I think most people have realized at this point that the invulnerability buff was dumb.

tbh I don’t think performance based SR should exist at all anywhere on ladder.

Is that really that much of a problem though? I mean Pharah often dies during her ult, but it is balanced by the fact that Barrage can dish a TON of damage.

What I’d want to see is them go back to pre invulnerability buff, give her angel hop and make Resurrect not impact her momentum. Then good/smart Mercys can use angel hop to make resurrecting safer but it isn’t just handed to them like invulnerability was.

The only things it needs are line of sight requirement and a cast time of 0.8 seconds. (same as Lucio’s)

There are so many area denial ults in the game right now nobody can even say a word against mass rez.

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Pharah has been consoles only meta. She has a 40% higher pick rate.

Sure, they are the clueless ones.

how so cause ethier way mercy still revies players no matter what I’m talking like LOS checks and cast times etc

as back then it was mercy was etheir killed and keeped her ult or used her ult and rezed people there was nothing like dps where they could completely lose it

yes but pharah is completely stationary as that is her weekness in her ult mercy on the other hand had no cast time no restrictions and she was completely mobile

there is a reason it exist though to get smurfs out of those ranks faster could you imagine if smurfs in low ranks ranked up even slower they wouldn’t even

have to throw you to mantain your rank you could actually be stuck in low ranks way more easily and people thought it was elo hell before

as I see it low ranks are the learning steps for you to get better at a heroes aim,postioning,mechanics etc until you get to diamond and learn how to commuincate,shotcall, and

applied all the skills you’ve learned towards performance team instead of focusing on your individual performance lower ranked players honeslty have to much to worry about to start making them worry about the teams performance which is out of their control,

And smurfs and boosters which are extreamly abundant at lower ranks

Interrupting the cast is not the only way to counter something.

Take this for example… Widowmaker gets a pick. The Junkrat on the other team notices and guesses correctly that that means they’re going to charge in, so he starts up his ult. Riptire lands a triple. Did Junkrat counter the Widow pick? Yes, absolutely. How? By punching back so hard that the first punch landing didn’t matter.

That was the primary counter play to Mass Resurrect. Enemy Mass Res was basically the perfect set up for High Noon, Nerf This, Riptire, and now Hammond’s Minefield and Torb’s new Molten Core.

The other way to counter it is to sit on the Mercy before she gets Resurrect. If you sit on her, kill her and harass her… it’ll take forever for her to get her ult. Since most of old Mercy’s value came from her ult, that would largely make picking her worthless.

The third way to counter Mass Resurrect (that got removed shortly before her rework) was to kill Mercy after she pushed Q but before her team could move and then easily win the 6v5 post Res teamfight where your opponents were missing their main healer.

Mercy’s old weakness was “So you’re telling me to get max value out of my ult, I have to survive an attack that claims all 5 of my teammates, then jump into the middle of where they just died, push Q then hope I can survive for 1 more second without the help of my team so I don’t leave my team to face the incoming team fight without their main healer, and hope the enemy team didn’t save Deadeye, Self Destruct, or Riptire to instantly wipe us again. Oh GOOD! Cause THAT doesn’t sound nearly impossible.”

Compared to that… Barrage’s downside seems like child’s play. Ask for DM or Bubble before you push Q and you’re good.

let me ask you something is there any scenario where mass res doesn’t res somebody cause like every other support ult there is a counter that completely makes it nullified Nano boost CC or boop them away for the duration

Nope I’m telling you that no matter what you do with res it will always res person and if there is no way to prevent that from happening then besides kill mercy which again she still will retain her ult

It has no counterplay to it mercy mass res isn’t meant to win team fights it’s to give the hero/heros a second chance without waiting for respwan which it does

but it is a proactive ult the only single on in the game so if you rez five people good for you everything else is up what happens next the window is completely out of your control you it you got some vaule out of it thats it

it is impossible for mercy to get no vaule out of mass 100% faluire something you have no control over like y’know litterally every ult in the game so the fact that the only proactive ult in the game got changed eh thats sounds like a flawed ult to me

and all that happens in the span of 4 seconds and required about 2 buttons and considering you know what how many people you’re going to rez before

you even do it that sounds a entirely easy thing to get off as I’m not talking about “FIVE WHOLE PEOPLE” cause c’mon thats been beaten to death

Didn’t they do that with Valkyrie? Seems to me like this ship has sunk. :rofl:

I res a dude, enemy Widow headshots them before they get to cover. #Countered.

THAT’s my point. If Mercy brings someone back and they die again before they do anything… that means that Resurrect was countered and worthless. Sure it wasn’t possible to 100% prevent it from happening… but with Resurrect YOU DON’T HAVE TO.

Also point of order… until Anti Nade got added to the game, Transcendence was impossible to stop the 300 AoE healing from happening. Did anyone bat an eye? No.

And what is reverting going to do my bets on anger the community for wasting so much time to inviability come back wasting ,time,resources that could have been done doing something more productive

also showing that they inviability give in to people who scream the loudest agian

and then you still have the people such myself who don’t want mass res back so yeah thats sounds like a good way lose a playerbase