Mercy's Situation is NOT fair!

But the movement of a support within the 2 seconds Tracer has to empty a magazine is limited. Supports also have a larger hitbox than Orisa’s Supercharger.

If getting in, killing the drum, and getting out is as easy as you make it out to be, then healers would be obsolete.

Then explain to me how it is an exaggeration.


Except the vast majority actually didn’t mind Resurrect.


You really should step out of the echo chamber.


You really should re-evaluate your memory because trust me, it is not on point today.

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Well, most Tracer’s below masters can’t one clip moving heroes. The drum stands still. Doesn’t move. Low HP.

When you’re dodging ultimates, dodging bullets, weaving about the team and occasionally pulling out your pistol to take down that Pharah? Idk, doesn’t seem like spectator mode to me!

It’d be nice if they brought back the two instant resurrections, though

Spamming posts like these wont do anything but show Blizzard you are annoying whiny little babys, which if you arent you should stop this and go to the megathread. There’s a Feedback thread DEDICATED to this type of stuff, rant there and stop flooding the forums with all these annoying “Mercy is unfair/unfun” threads.

We have bigger problems like Brigitte, Reinhardt’s Bugs, and Hanzo’s spamminess to worry about, this is on the backburner of our problems right now.


I personally find it impactful, but I’m just diamond/plat, so it could be different up there.

No it’s not gonna change anything. Tracer has 240 dps. Soldier has 190 even Winston has 60. They all can out damage your heals and you feel like trash

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No i can promise you, if you go to any other place aside from this forum, people generally agree mercy is better now.

Well calm down there, Reaper

Because threads like these need to DIE, DIE, DIE!

You really should check out the old forums for some history.

Overwatch Forums
Overwatch Forums

This is when downvotes were still a thing. If players didn’t like a position, they could downvote it.

Notice how it was one of the most heavily upvoted threads of its time.


you realize the old forums are just these forums… right? Like, these are the new versions of that. Same community.

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Okay, the situation with mercy ult is that it is made to substain and help your team in a drawn out battle where if the enemy team starts popping ults there is little to nothing mercy can do but hope it doesn’t get more than 2 people.

Usually, Main healers have an offensive or defensive ulti that is used to either enhance or support the team better than they usually can.

We can see this with ana enhancing and healing a teammate to the point they can tank and pack a punch at the same time, sure it won’t stop an ult but ana herself can negate several ulti’s by herself and she is still engaged and battling with her team and keep everyone up while negating heals and sleeping anyone she chooses.

Moira can heal and damage through both teams, supplying enough heals that can get some characters through the punishment of ults, she herself is great at avoiding damage and keeping a grouped team topped off. She is amplified with higher damage as well as heals that makes her safer with the 30 meter damge beam and slightly increased walking speed.

With mercy, unless they have a good widow, soldier, mccree, with ults, it is best to just hang around the sky box and hope your team doesn’t branch off too far from each other, she is enhanced to do everything better but doesn’t particularly offer anything that you would particular mind since mercy can do little to nothing to save a teammate or protect her team while she has to watch everything happen, and half of the time going for a rez is either death for mercy or a timeframe where a teammate could die if they needed the heals. Mercy is just there to watch mainly and just hold the fire button not really being anything but the entire teams pocket healer for 15 seconds.

It is, what I would say, not the best ulti by any means but it gets the job done in supporting your team, even if the support may not be enough when coordination and ults go off.


I’m GM. It’s a whole another story.

Megathread is locked.

Highly doubt that.


And most Tracers below Masters can’t get in and one-clip a Supercharger without getting killed.

Or… the Tracers above Masters either.

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There’s a “Mercy Feedback part III” thread if I remember correctly that is unlocked.

check reddit. Go into an overwatch discord channel. You can doubt what you want, that doesn’t change it from being true.

Is it unlocked right now? Give it 3 minutes. It’ll be closed again for 24 hours.

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We are not entitlted to post feedback in that thread because one, it isn’t even made by Blizzard. two, Devs don’t move Mercy threads in there and three, pretty sure the OP regretted making it.

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